Thought for the day: I was reading a poll on how Hillary Clinton - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day: I was reading a poll on how Hillary Clinton is still popular enough to be the next Democratic presidential candidate. This got me to thinking: What would it be like if she had become president in 2008, instead of Obama? Would we have been as bad off economically? Probably not. She was not pushing for radical change in the country by destroying the economy. We would have had the stimulus and the bailouts, but even those would have been more productive, and more than just bailouts for failed Democratic ideas. Would our Military be as bad off? Probably. No Democrat president, since JFK has had any understanding of how important properly equipping and funding our military is. Would the country be forced to embrace Islam? Not likely. Would the country have had 3 terrorist attacks? Maybe. There is a likely chance that Mrs. Clinton would have taken the first 2 more seriously and the third probably would not have happened. Overall, we would have probably been better off. Even with someone like Hillary Clinton, who lacks the competence and ability to be a good president. I invite you to make comparisons and / or post your thoughts...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 17:46:18 +0000

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