Thought for the day: WARNING – This post contains a few - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day: WARNING – This post contains a few imaginative descriptions of … things! … Is “Religion” responsible for most wars throughout human history? (as some people claim) I believe that the answer is no. Are “Religion” and “Politics” jointly responsible for most wars throughout human history? (as some other people claim) I believe that the answer is “Partly”. It seems to be true that “Politicians”, throughout human history, have always been quite happy to use religion as an excuse to justify their actions as and when it suites them. It also seems to be true that “Religion”, throughout human history, has been equally happy to use politics to justify its actions as and when it suites. The problem seems to occur most prominently when “Religion” and “Politics” get into bed together and completely compromise all of their higher principles as they “Lust” after “Power” rather than “Doing Their fecking Jobs” i.e Serving Humanity and not simply; Themselves. Unfortunately all parties seem to be so unable to control their more base urges that throughout human history they have spent far too much time rolling around in bed together on a Saturday afternoon getting progressively more smelly, scummy, diseased and in need of a long cold shower and a good strong dose of antibiotics than is good for them or you or me. You then of course have a further problem i.e. there are many religions and many political schools of thought. So …. What we have ended up with is; the various political schools of thought fighting each other, the various religious schools of thought fighting each other, the various religious schools of thought fighting the various political schools of thought, the various political schools of thought fighting the various religious schools of thought and all then getting into bed together, as and when it suites them, in a mass orgy; an uncontrolled shag-fest of “Lusting” after “Power” with the Atheists and Agnostics standing around the bed poking them all with sharpened sticks whenever a soft vulnerable, syphilitic “Part” slips out from beneath the covers. Personally, as an atheist, I have to admit that I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to giving them a good old poke in their syphilitic testicles with a sharpened stick whenever a nasty smelly unwashed scrotum falls out from beneath their quilt of iniquity. Are we all to blame then? Of course we are but I think that it will be a long time hence that we all exit the bedroom, wash the sheets, get a long cold shower, chop off the diseased parts, put the sharpened sticks away and grow up. Here’s an idea though: What if all of the Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and others dropped their outdated and redundant dogma’ and simply asked “what would Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and others have done?” in order to reach decisions. What if all of the Politicians dropped their outdated and redundant dogma’ and simply asked “what would a normal sensible reasonably intelligent person do?” in order to reach their decisions. What if they all got out of bed, washed the sheets, opened the bedroom windows, had a long cold shower, embarked upon a serious course of antibiotics and sat down around the breakfast table of common sense to a good old chin-wag and some marmalade on toast. I’d like to ask … ignoring for a moment all of the political and religious dogma’ … what would history’s greatest “Humanists” have said to us as guidance in our decision making? If we dropped all of the redundant and distracting religious and political dogma’ could we not view many of the World Religions great figures as the “Humanists” that many of them undoubtedly were? Unfortunately the power hungry orgy-mongers have so diluted many of the basic ideals of “The Humanists” with redundant and distracting “Dogma” that they continue to all end up back in bed together, continuing their self-indulgent shag-fest and getting increasingly smelly, foul and syphilitic whilst people like me continue to jab them in their soft, squishy, syphilitic, smelly and vulnerable under-parts with sharpened sticks. Do I have the answers? ….. You must be joking …. Anyway; I’ve just spotted another festering syphilitic bollock poking out from below the stinking quilt of iniquity so I’m off to whittle a fresh stick.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:33:36 +0000

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