Thoughts on Article #22...Like most Fremont residents, I recently - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on Article #22...Like most Fremont residents, I recently received a newsletter in my mailbox address by the Fremont Taxpayers Association (???). The newsletter was obviously anti-article #22. I have some thoughts on this. First and foremost the newsletter was poorly written and nothing short of opinions and conjecture other than the voter turnout numbers. It was absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. Recently, I went to the School Budget Meeting in Brentwood. Over 250 people sat, spoke, listened, and were heard on their opinions. All then decided to vote and they DID. Imagine that! Those who thought it was important to show up and vote did so! Some bad kids, some had work clothes, and undoubtedly most had plans that changed because they thought they should he at the meeting. News flash, if you can make it a priority to go to watch a movie or spend a night out you can certainly make it a priority to be at town meeting. Whats with voting in secret? Doesnt matter who knows if you oppose the teachers getting raises? If the Fire Department gets a new truck? If the PD get new cruisers because theirs are falling apart (and they are, trust me)? Who cares. Are we so spineless that we dont want our neighbors to know what we stand for? Im going to be brutally honest and keep real. This does not apply for everyone. However, some people get Ballot A.D.D (My slang term. No offense to anyone intended). They read through the first 16 sentences of the first article and then decide that checking off NO down the line will keep their taxes from rising. Case in point...for the last few years the PD has requested from the tax payers to remove money from a fully self-funded revolving account. NO MONEY RAISED BY TAXATION! It was even specified that if the article passes the money will have to be raised by taxation the following year. It was one of the latter articles. Guess what? It failed by a landslide under SB2 voting. Why? How can it be explained? Ballot A.D.D. thats how. I can go on and on. The bottom line is that we live in a small town where neighbors help neighbors. Sit next to your neighbor and discuss whats what. Bring back the Town Meeting. Its what living in Fremont is all about. Vote YES on Article #22.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:11:13 +0000

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