Thoughts on yesterdays bike ride: #1. Most cyclists are not - TopicsExpress


Thoughts on yesterdays bike ride: #1. Most cyclists are not very polite people; I nod, I wave, I say response. I continually fail at creating a kinship between myself and other people on bicycles. I suppose I thought it would be similar to how the motorcycle community waves as they pass by each other but I guess not. In bicycling, it is every man/woman for time to be courteous or to practice any type of human kindness. #2. Dear Recently Redone 2 Mile Stretch of Road, are you packed gravel? Or are you loose gravel? You need to make up your mind soon because you are a bikers worst nightmare. It also doesnt help that there are clearly posted signs reading Loose Gravel 15mph yet vehicles still fly by me, nearly crashing into other cars coming the other way...all while kicking up rocks, dirt and nearly sending me off into someones yard as I attempt to navigate the 4 inch pile of stones that has collected near the curb. (While riding on this segment of road, I do not practice #3). #3. Sometimes, as Im riding along, I breathe in the fresh air deeply, soak up the energy of the sun and just close my eyes. I let go and just trust that everything will be alright; I use the Force...just like Luke Skywalker did in the first Star Wars as he was blowing up the Death Star. I havent destroyed anything yet (including myself) so I guess thats a good thing. Heres to my continuing luck in that department. #4. In my town, there exists an older gentleman with a giant mustache and a neon smock who rides a large 3 wheel bicycle around, collecting recycled cans and such. During my ride, I was stopped at a traffic light when he came creeping up behind me and got right in front of me. He had weird country music blaring from a little radio hanging from his handlebar. I smiled and waved at him and he just stared at me deeply as he waited for the light to turn green. When the light finally changed, he started going slowly, so I came up on his right and went onto the sidewalk to pass him. When he saw me do this, he began pedaling, I did the same. This little dance went back and forth for a few hundred feet until I realized we were actually locked into an official race. I was giving it all I had on my 20 speed, while he appeared to be taking it easy on his over-sized tricycle. A sharp corner was approaching, so I finally gave up trying to pass him (to avoid crashing into people walking on the sidewalk around the corner). He gave one last look at me, smirked and shook his head in disgust. I got back off of the sidewalk and into the road again only to find that he was so very far ahead of me. For the next couple miles he maintained his giant lead (even up windy, steep hills and such). I was completely amazed that this man and his novelty looking bicycle had not only bested me...but literally left me in the dust. Unless we cross paths again, I will spend the rest of my life trying to figure out if maybe there was a silent motor on that thing or if he was just a racing machine in disguise. I may never know.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:32:33 +0000

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