Three Democrats walk into a bar...okay, but seriously. Did you - TopicsExpress


Three Democrats walk into a bar...okay, but seriously. Did you know that Diane Feinstein and Susan Collins (of the Veterans are mentally ill and should not own guns and we are cutting Veterans benefits fame) now want to investigate the CIA to make sure that terrorists are not being tortured. These are the same two that support the NDAA which lets the government kidnap innocent Americans, Imprison them for as long as they want; deny you of due process in a court of law and kill (read torture first) you without ever having to tell anyone what happened. Hypocrisy much? Throw In Angus King and the media is calling this a bipartisan deal. This article is from Politico which recently described Collins as rock star with Republican voters in Maine and even quoted Democrats like Dennis Bailey to prove it. Bailey of the ill advised Cutler Files website which people accused me of doing. These people cant pass laws fast enough that strip you of your rights and turn law abiding citizens into criminals. Myself being one of them which is why I am fighting so hard to prevent the same thing from happening to you. Collins was originally opposed to investigating the CIA but now that the grassroots are coming alive and we are challenging her in the primary for the first time going on 24 years in Washington she has changed her tune. Here is the article if you want a good chuckle. politico/story/2014/04/dianne-feinstein-angus-king-susan-collins-cia-policies-105282.html Addendum: Pictured with Feinstein and Collins is Chucky Schumer, a far left progressive Democrat but is interchangeable with Angus King when it comes to policy.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:17:16 +0000

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