Through faith your needs are suppled So does the Lord of - TopicsExpress


Through faith your needs are suppled So does the Lord of Hosts supply all your needs, or do you rely on your own strength? Phil 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 2 Cor 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. Eph 3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; and that inner man is your Soul and Spirit. Now when hard times comes and there is no work will you be able to stand on your strength? The Word of God tells us to walk by Faith and not by sight, then when those things come and there is no work, it will not effect you. Several years back, I just needed a break so I asked the Lord, Jesus I need a break the thing I have been going through have fatigued me I am just tired I need a break, the Father spoke to me and sent me to Disney Land clear across the country, roughly 2500 miles. I had only $65 to my name but the Lord always supplies, just as he did for Abraham when he told him to take Isaac and go into the mountains and sacrifice unto the Lord, he had only Isaac with him, then God supplied a lamb. Likewise I ask the Father and how will I go with only $65? Then the Lord said to me call your brother and he will go with you, and so I did, and so when I picked him up he gave me the money we needed to go, and a companion to enjoy the the trip. Again when it was time to go home, I had $65 when the Lord spoke to me, my Son it is time to go home, this was 6 months after I had arrived in California, Father I have but $65, if it is time to go back home in Ohio I will do what I need to, if needed I will work my way back, yet I know you will supply all my needs. It was at that moment that again the Lord came through and my needs for the trip were met, for a friend had stopped and said at that very moment the company we worked for together payed us wrong for it was a prevailing wage job, so I when to them and I had then $2500 plus I had also my $65. The Lord spoke to me another time when I had $10 in my pocket, my Son go to San Diego, so I did as the Lord instructed me and put 8 dollars in the tank and keep $2 to eat that night, When I arrived the Lord spoke to me to go to a certain church which I did, as I sat down the Preacher said amen as they finished their prayer, He asked me how can we help you ? And I replayed I am walking by faith, as they all shouted praise God , for that also was their lesson for that night. They asked if I was hungry, and I said yes, they explained to me that they had all eaten but their bag of grapes was still full and normally it is empty, yet they were all full, the meal was awesome, and as they walked by me they place $8 in my hand, and again I had my $10. 2 Cor 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. Hos 14:9 Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein. Will you be ready? For the collapse of the monitory system is very near, but for the grace of the Father it would already be here. Again I ask will you be ready? For the hand of the Father is outstretched to you now COME! Acts 2:38 Let us Pray, Father we come to you with our hearts in our hands take us from unbelief to faith in you that we may walk in you wisdom , leaning not unto our own understanding but by faith that you will fulfill all our needs leading us into perfect love with you, trusting in your Words completely, for perfect love casts out all fear for there is no fear in love, and in this love we know all our needs will be met in Jesus name
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:42:54 +0000

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