Thunk of the day: You ever notice how the work day goes by so fast - TopicsExpress


Thunk of the day: You ever notice how the work day goes by so fast until that last hour? That last hour you look at the clock and watch it move as slow as Molasses....seems like the hour will never end! You are never going to clock out and go home! Its excruciating...that last hour.....the last ten want to just quit your job! Kind of made me think of something my dad used to say: "The darkest hour is just before the dawn". Struggles in are going along okay...then it gets to wearing on your nerve....and right before deliverance breaks the door seems like its going to destroy you. Time moves so cant take hang your head in despair and desire to just give up...throw in the it a day...quit the job...stop walking the journey....just end it all! And about a minute after that pivotal moment of decisions......its all over! Then I began to think......on life....this journey stinks sometimes in spite of the small joys we are afforded. Life is full of idiots...people hurt disappoints you...and it seems to last forever at times.......and then one day....when life has taken its toll....the shades are pulled on this life....and as we awake to peace and glory we can not even begin to fathom here in this life.....we realize.......the clock is slow....but the anticipation is what makes the glory of it amazingly beautiful! Its good to come home...Its good to restart a new day.....but wont it be something....when our work ends....our troubles end....and we finally reach HOME! :) Hang on......dont quit....its almost time~ Meh~ jest thunkin
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:25:21 +0000

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