Thursday Thought “Amma, what is there in the bag? I am very - TopicsExpress


Thursday Thought “Amma, what is there in the bag? I am very hungry.” Seven year Bitu asked his Amma who was entering the house after a day long work in the office. Amma put her hand inside the bag removed the favourite snacks of Bitu. Bitu happily unwrapped it and started eating it. “You people are spoiling him. What is the need of bringing him outside food.” It was the voice of Bitu`s Aji (In Marathi Grandmother is called Aji as we say Pati in south India. As Bitu is born and being brought up in Mumbai he is used to call his Grandmother as “Aji” only) “You people don’t know what all mischief he does through out the day?” Aji is in a furious mood. “What happened Amma?” Amma asked Aji Aji continued, “Right from coming from school he starts something or the other and never listens to me” “You know he changed his school uniform after two hours of coming from school and that too after I telling him umpteen number of times. Just playing games in the computer or watching cartoons in television. After calling him number of times he turns up to have his lunch at three O’clock. It is becoming very difficult to manage him for the whole day. It’s all because of you people obliging to all his demands” The list of complaints went on longer. After the day long work in the office Amma was not at all in a mood to hear all these complaints. She asked Bitu, “What is this Bitu? Why so much complaints? Are you not obeying to Aji? “Then what should I do Amma? After coming from school I play some games and watch TV. I usually go to tuition in the evening where I complete the homework. You have instructed me not to go out in the noon time. Then?” “Don’t tell lies. You were playing with ball inside the house. If something breaks who will be answerable to your Amma and Appa?” Aji asked “You are telling lies. I was playing with the ball for five minutes only” Bitu argued “Will you please keep quite both of you? After going through the full day in the office with all the tension I also need some peace. And I can’t stand to your fighting. Bitu I can’t stand to all these complaints on daily basis. You better get ready to go to childcare from next week. Ok” And Amma went to kitchen for preparation of dinner. While preparing dinner she was thinking of the same daily incidents. “I know Bitu is mischievous. But what to do? It is very difficult to manage a child like him. I will have to talk with Appa before taking further decision on the matter.” As soon as the dinner was prepared, Amma fed Bitu and cleaned the table which was in a mess around Bitu`s plate. Amma and Aji was waiting for Appa to come to have their dinner. As soon as Appa came home, Amma asked him for coffee. But Appa refused as it was too late and said will have dinner directly. It took another fifteen minutes for him to freshen up and sit in his usual place on the dining table. Amma went to call Aji for dinner and she saw Bitu had already slept on her lap. She was caressing his hair and staring at his face with love. Aji took by surprise when Amma called her for dinner. She was in tension and was in a sad mood and was sitting just like an annoyed child. Amma lifted the child from his Aji`s lap and made him sleep in the bedroom. But Aji was in no mood to have dinner. Amma sat beside her and asked, “What happened Amma? Come we will have dinner.” “No, I don’t want anything” Aji said “But why? What happened to you?” Amma asked again “You were telling that he will be sent to Childcare. I will not allow it till such time I am alive. He may be mischievous sometimes but after all he is a child. He is bound to do mischief. If he sits in a corner of the house quietly for the whole day, will it be ok for you? He will be with me only. I will have dinner only if you agree to this.” Aji was pleading like a small child. Amma smiled and was thinking that these were the same persons who were complaining about each other. “Ok. I will not send him to child care and he will be with you only. Ok? I know he will be safer in your hands. Safer than mine. Come on. Get up. We will have dinner” Aji got up and they all had their dinner and one more day had come to an end. Amma was narrating the whole incident to Appa in the bed room. Appa was laughing at the whole incident as it was a real recreation after his whole day office schedule. Amma asked, “Why are you laughing? It may be humorous for you now. But if you would have been there at that time I am sure you will also get angry.” Appa pacified Amma, “Yes I know. I appreciate the patience of you as an Amma. Come on, as soon as we close our eyes the morning alarm will ring as if we had not at all slept. Both indulged in a big laugh. Amma indicated Appa to slow down the voice else Bitu will get up. Amma was recollecting what she heard from someone that elderly persons behave like a child after a particular age. So I am not managing one kid. Actually there are two. Bitu and Aji who also started behaving just like a child………………..
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 02:24:19 +0000

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