Thursday the moon entered regal Leo bringing out all the - TopicsExpress


Thursday the moon entered regal Leo bringing out all the aristocrats en masse. Of course not everyone was available to roll out the red carpet as mercury and Neptune caused confusion and misunderstandings. It didnt help that assertive Mars put the heat on mercury to get the message out without checking to see if everyone was on the same page. Friday we started out with Venus, Mercury and the Sun all aligned in diplomatic Libra, urging us to deal with a longstanding issue in need of a resolution. Both Mars and the moon were aspecting this line up making us feel bowled over and anxious. Rather than getting angry and litigious, we needed to take a deep breath and extend an olive branch. Retrograde mercury digs up the past and while in Libra, we want justice for old slights but its tricky since theres so much information missing from the table. What is possible is a first step to a resolution (though we might need to eat crow and wait until after the 26th before we can really hear each other without crossing more wires). Luckily, the moon and jolly Jupiter, both in Leo, came to the rescue with an optimistic view of the future and a realization that we all want to be heard. Of course, all those Libra planets insist we temper our enthusiasm, bite our tongues and listen so we dont make matters irretrievably worse. Saturday brings more honesty as the Leo moon trines Mars in Sagittarius (not the Ill show you vindictive kind but more of the this is why were here so lets get past it type of honesty). Later in the evening, the Moon leaves the drama behind for more down to earth Virgo so well let go of stubborn pride in favor of what is ethical. Here is Leo Mick Jagger with the Stones.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:37:06 +0000

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