Tick Tock Time is a funny thing. We want to speed it up and - TopicsExpress


Tick Tock Time is a funny thing. We want to speed it up and slow it down when the truth is, we can do nothing but redeem it or waste it. This summer has been going by so quickly it seems. I have had a lot of “time related” events in my life over the past weeks. Some of you have heard me refer to my home as an “ark” this summer. We are taking in the orphaned pets of those traveling and have a dog that had puppies so our home has been even more chaotic than usual! One day a couple of weeks ago, I was preparing for guests in our home that evening while tending to a daughter with the flu (and all that goes along with it!). It was still early in the day when we learned that our sewage was backed up and coming up the outside drains. It was at that moment a neighbor dropped by. When she saw the puppies, she went to get another neighbor to come and join in the “fun”. Later that afternoon, another neighbor stopped by just as I was rushing out the door to meet someone before my guests would arrive in less than an hour. That day my schedule felt so out of my control and yet it was at those moments that the Lord led neighbors to my door. Sitting still is difficult for me. Being still in my quiet times with the Lord is a discipline for me. I had to have an MRI done last week (everything is ok) and I had to lie very still for nearly an hour. As I lay there, I wondered if the Lord might say to me: “Is this what I have to do to make you be still?” Hopefully I am not that difficult of a child! These random events have me thinking a lot about time. It is all any of us have. I recently read in Psalm 90, 2 verses that really struck me again. The first is in verse 12 where David prays, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” and secondly in verse 17 “establish the work of our hands for us — yes, establish the work of our hands.” A friend shared with me years ago the quote: “There is always enough time in every day for God’s priorities”. If I do not spend time and walk with Jesus, how can I know His priorities for us in the moments of the day? Rarely is it an agenda He hands us at the start of the day, rather it is in walking with Him throughout the day that He leads us to His priorities and plans for the moments that become days, that become our lives. If I could choose an area of growth for myself presently, I think it would be this one. I want to redeem the time. I want to embrace the “inconveniences” of life and see what God is doing and get on board, instead of resisting and being bothered missing His purposes. Lord help us to find ourselves living each day as though it could be our last day on earth. How would I love and live differently? Lord, help us to surrender our time to You and let you write the stories of our lives so much more beautifully than we could.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 15:01:35 +0000

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