Tim Howard Watching the Government destroy this country for future - TopicsExpress


Tim Howard Watching the Government destroy this country for future generations and slowly turn it into a Malaysian sweat shop where we will work( if we are lucky) long hours for nothing with no health system or education system to speak about is so hard to see but to watch Irish people sit back in apathy and do nothing about it is simply soul sucking. At the moment we have choices but slowly and strategically those choices are being eroded little bit by little bit as we sit and watch it happen. Already wages have been pushed down drastically and hours increased, some people are even working two jobs just to maintain any kind of lifestyle. Buying your own house is now almost an impossibility and I doubt if our children will ever own their own house unless of course they come from money families. Our health system is now comparable to that of a third world country where even cancer victims are having their medical cards revoked and we sit for up to 14 hours in A+E to be seen by a doctor. Our schools are being closed on a daily basis in rural areas and classroom numbers in terms of teacher pupil ratios are constantly growing. Suicides are increasing every week and more and more suicide notes cite “financial stress” as the reason and it just seems to be acceptable (what a sad indictment for this country) to all except those close to the victims. Our homeless numbers are growing at an alarming rate and yet our councils supposedly armed with property tax funds are refusing to build social housing and are boarding up houses and leaving them idle for years. Ireland is being strangled, Europe has its hands around our throats and is squeezing but no one sees it. Those that fight back and march and protest are ridiculed by the masses and considered to be tinfoil hat wearing nutters because what they tell people seems to be impossible to believe and yet all the evidence is before our eyes. Billons and billions of dollars of our natural resources in oil is being literally stolen by huge oil companies (money that could insure future prosperity and not austerity) and as those that fight against it are brutally treated by police in protest lines our news sources seem to think its not news we should hear about. A sculptor takes a rock and over a long period of time he chips away at it. If you see him start this and then come back months later you see the huge difference and the rock has become what he or she wanted it to be. However if you sit and watch the whole process from beginning to end it will happen so slowly before your eyes that on a daily basis you will not see the differences. A little chip here a little chip there and after a while you get bored and stop paying attention and after time passing you finally look and see and exclaim “oh look it’s a statue of a man” . Until that moment you don’t realise what is being made. That’s what is happening in Ireland. Universal social charge, property tax, water charges, child welfare cuts, pension cuts, energy bill hikes, broadcasting fee, all introduced by this government. Rising unemployment, rising suicide rates, rising emigration, rising energy costs, rising homeless numbers, rising mental health problems again all in this governments time and meantime they still have the pay and allowances and the same perks and corruption they started out with and no one locked up for what they have done to our beautiful country. I have did a lot wrong in my life, made a lot of mistakes, walked out on my children because I fell in love and hurt them so much but eventually I did learn from my mistakes and I have spent everyday of my life since making it up to them. It is for them that I fight all this even though most of the time they are unaware of this fight, unaware of why, and they live in their own little oblivious world unaware of where we are heading and a big part of me never wants that to change. I don’t want them to see it or feel it or worry about it but the time is coming where that choice will be taken away from me and they will feel the pain from all that is taking place now. Europe and the government have established the foundations for all that is to come. The next two generations are carrying a weight of debt before they are even born, before they even take their first breath (imagine a mother when her child has taken its first breath and scream, she takes he or she into her arms and whispers, welcome to the world you owe a few million euro to gamblers) and all because of corrupt inhuman greedy politicians and bankers and we still stand by and watch as they erode our pride, erode our culture, erode our very spirit and take the fight out of us chip by chip by chip of the chisel. I don’t want violence I abhor it but I do want people to fight back and drop the apathy. I want people to wake up and see and hear what is going on around them and pay attention to the sculptor https://facebook/groups/228971690535484/
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 20:53:45 +0000

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