Time Magazine is angry with Ron Paul. How dare he point out that - TopicsExpress


Time Magazine is angry with Ron Paul. How dare he point out that the media has been over-reacting to the Ebola outbreak? How dare he mention that Canadas 13 years of bombing Muslim countries has irritated plenty of people on the receiving end of those bombs? How dare he tell the truth about US history: that if the colonies were told they could never leave it is unlikely there would ever have been a United States? Ron Paul is a professional provocateur, screeches Times Denver Nicks. The author of Times hit (and miss) piece is outraged that anyone would dare to suggest, as Dr. Paul did in a recent column, that constant US meddling in African affairs has been anything but selfless beneficence. Dubious-at-best, sniffed Nicks to Ron Pauls statement that the people of Liberia and other countries would be better off if the US government left them alone. After all, who could possibly object to US-sponsored coups, US bombs, US meddling, US asset-stripping, US social engineering projects in Africa? Dubious? Has he asked the people of Libya how they feel about US meddling? In fact, Americans are increasingly coming to agree with Ron Paul that we all would be better off if the US government left all of us alone.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 09:35:07 +0000

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