Time for a rant, and even though I consider myself a strong - TopicsExpress


Time for a rant, and even though I consider myself a strong Libertarian, this one is against the libertarians and it is from a libertarian post about allowing immigrants free border crossing and how we should support it. They use the quote on the statue of liberty “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door. ....anyways here is my response I that I wanted to share with my friends here.. This saying no longer applies to the country we are today. I agree immigration should be easier, but should also be controlled. This applied before we had income taxes,welfare, food stamps, govt sponsored health care, and families came here and survived and built for themselves the American dream. Who is going to support these children?.. the govt.... the govt takes its money from us, so before you all go claiming that open borders is the only belief allowed for a libertarian ask yourself how much liberty is involved when we work 60 hours a week to barely support our own family just to have uncle sam take more and more from us in order to support a large percentage of these huddled masses that do not yearn to breathe free, they yearn to live for free. Open borders will never raise them up and allow the American dream for us all as long as these govt ran institutions are in place. It will only lower the quality of life for us all until we are on par with them. Open borders can never work in a socialistic society, and no matter how much we deny,fight, or hate the fact that we do indeed live within a socialistic society now instead of a free republic. you want open borders? . Remove all socialistic govt ran institutions, welfare, foodstamps, healthcare, everything that requires our liberty to be infringed to support the influx of the population. . They have been around longer than us, and while it is terrible they live in those standards it is not our fault they have not inducted a govt that allows freedom and success. There are many more of them than there are us, and as long as their countries of origin are keeping them from the freedom they so deserve, we cannot save them all without overthrowing their govt which is also not very libertarian. Right now free market, free people, and the American dream are all a delusion that none of us are in possession of, and until we are then calling yourselfs libertarian while supporting the open border and encouraging the invasion of our country is only supporting the govt in forcibly removing more of our liberties than they already do.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:49:47 +0000

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