Time just seems to be moving right along at lightning speed. - TopicsExpress


Time just seems to be moving right along at lightning speed. It’s been a snowy and cold winter, so far, here in Lancaster County. We made it through the holidays, but things sure haven’t slowed down with our driving. It’s nice being back to our “normal”. Most of the time I think we are trying to find a new “normal”. The school children are enjoying their winter months of school. They celebrated their 100th day last week. We surprised them with 100th day pencils and ice cream sandwiches. With the weather being so cold the ponds and ice rinks are freezing and there is lots of skating going on. One of the schools we drive for went ice skating Friday afternoon. It is common during the winter months for the kids to spend an afternoon sledding or ice skating when it’s fit. We have been driving youth to go play or watch ice hockey, out to dinner and various other places. In the last few years Amish ice rinks are popping up throughout Lancaster County. This gives the guys a place to go to play ice hockey. Ice hockey is big among the youth, and ice skating is big among the younger children. Another winter outing it singing lessons. The last few winters we have been driving youth to singing lessons for about 7 weeks. They usually start in January and end in March. The youth group organizers are the ones that oversee the singing lessons. Parents will often go along with the kids. I think Christmas dinners are finally slowing down too. Christmas dinners will usually start in November and run through January. It’s really hard sometimes to get everyone together on the same date. “Spring” weddings, as the Amish call them, have started and will also run into March. Usually our snow melts in between storms, and the farmers are taking advantage of that and getting in the fields to spread manure. I remember a couple winters ago they were plowing fields in February because the winter was so mild. I think that years they were getting corn and other things in early. I remember we had sweet corn before the 4th of July. We had a foot of snow last week. We got the kids to school before the snow started falling. I had told the teachers we would bring them home at 1 before it got to bad out. I was at my desk most of the morning and watching it snow. I decided we better bring them home starting at 11. Needless to say the kids were thrilled to get out early. The next morning we had a 2 hour delay. I am really thankful that they let it up to us if we drive or not. Our grocery store workers also went home early that day. It was nice to be home and snuggled in early that day. On the days we had below 0 temps with wind chills of -20 school still started on time, but we drove back the long driveways so the kids wouldn’t have to be out in the cold. Parents of walkers brought their kids to school that day with the team. The kids said they didn’t even get to go out for recess that day, lol. I had one of my Amish friends out the other day and she was saying that she was going to spend her time sewing during last week’s snow storm. She has 6 kids and said she would sew ahead for the spring and summer months so she ahead when the busy spring and summer seasons arrive. I am feeling the need to get away for a weekend just to relax. Some days my phone drives me insane with as much as it rings, but I am very thankful for the work. We usually go away from the Thursday before Easter and come home on Easter Sunday. This year Easter is late so I am not looking forward to waiting the 3 months to go. We school kids will have off on Good Friday and Easter Monday. We always take the day before Good Friday off so we can get out of town early and head to the mountains. We come back on Easter Day rather than on Monday because Easter Monday is a big holiday for the Amish and they are always needing drivers to visiting or on an outing. Well, it’s been nice catching up with you all. I trust you are having a good winter. Stay warm and cozy spring will be here before we know it.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:28:19 +0000

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