Time to eliminate school property taxes: No longer can school - TopicsExpress


Time to eliminate school property taxes: No longer can school boards in Pennsylvania stem the tide of escalating taxes that devastate taxpaying homeowners, but thank you, board members, for trying. This article is about House/Senate Bill 76, the “Property Tax Independence Act” (PTIA), which will remove property taxes permanently. School property tax elimination will be accomplished by a two-year phase-out of school property taxes. In the first year after it is enacted, school property taxes will be frozen at current levels. In the second year they will be completely eliminated except for approximately 10 percent, which will be retained by the school to pay off its “long-term debt.” If additional revenue is needed, it can only be done through what is called a “no-exception ballot referendum.” Schools will receive annual increases from the state based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index, allowing schools to remain in step with inflation. Those in opposition to the PTIA state that the act will come up $1.52B short. Not so. The act has been studied by the Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office, and proves just the opposite. If the legislators enact the act, it would “create considerable economic expansion.” Just think of the businesses that would come back to Pennsylvania and the jobs it would create. Think of many moving back and young families finally being able to buy a home without the archaic property tax. Any property elimination will involve shifting taxes from one type of tax to another. The act broadens the base of the sales tax to include more items and services, and raises the rate to 7 percent. Exclusions from the sales tax include food stamp purchases, all utilities, home heating fuels, health care, tuition, day care and charitable organizations. The legislation would also use existing gambling revenues. The state income tax increases from 3.07 to 4.34 percent. HB/SB 76 is now sitting in committee in Harrisburg and is being held back by a few members representing Montour and Columbia County. To date, Rep. Kurt Masser and Sen. John Gordner have not made their intentions known. The biggest hindrance to the act is Rep. Kerry Benninghoff, Majority Chairperson of the House Finance Committee, who refuses to allow the bill to go for a vote. His objections have already been addressed and refuted. Please take the time and call him to release HB 76 (toll free 1-888-285-6313) or email David Baldinger@pataxpayers@gmail and ask him for his reply to Rep. Benninghoff’s objections. Reasons to eliminate property taxes: 1. True ownership of your home. 2. Stabilizing school funding. 3. Prevent foreclosures. 4. Attract businesses. 5. Increase personal wealth. 6. Save or invest in your future. 7. Stop costly and sometimes corrupt reassessments, which are forced by schools, municipalities and county. Gather your friends in your home, turn on your computer and go to David Baldinger-school property tax elimination HB/SB 76 legislation and watch a video about the school property tax problem and the HB/ SB 76 solutions. If you have questions email David or visit ptcc.us for more information. Then call your legislator and ask him to help get HB 76 out of committee. Copy this article and pass it on. This is the taxpayers’ chance to FINALLY eliminate forever the archaic property tax that has been a parasite for too long. NOTE: This bill does not eliminate the county or municipal taxes. We must be vigilant to see that they do not look at the elimination of property taxes as a means to increase taxes arbitrarily
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:32:10 +0000

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