Time to step up to stop medical discrimination! I am so proud - TopicsExpress


Time to step up to stop medical discrimination! I am so proud of this lady for breaking the mold and stepping up for her rights not to have too hide. For those of you that know me, you know what I have endured. For those that dont, In brief I have lived with Crohns since I was 6 years old. 14 plus surgeries; a stroke and an ostomy. Everyday I go out that door its a blessing because I was told in 1997 when I was 73lbs Id never work again. I was forced to get an ostomy or suffer the fatal consequences. I was mortified. I didnt get it earlier because I worried what people might think, and my quality of life. I had already been made fun of because of my teeth loss due to medication, my constant weight loss and gain, the various times people would point at me when I was on tube feeding and say nothing but laugh. Why would I open myself up to more physical abnormalities. I thought I was abnormal and always would be. Close friends have died because they didnt want others to look down on them and refused the surgery. It would make them less of man. Every time I go to a pool or a beach, I just wait for someone to embarrass me (or try to now lol) in front of my children about my pouch showing over the top of my bathing suite. My girls and I are at the point of joking about it because we know its going to happen and dad always gets the last laugh. I have been told by friends (or they were until that point) and general public to cover up, you shouldnt be exposing yourself to the public, you cant swim in a pool with others put a shirt on this isnt a pitty party, you just want attention youll scare the kids and many things far worse. Its time to stop! Time to educate the community and bring awareness, so this discrimination comes to an end. This is just a minor part of living with this disease, not to mention the mass amounts of pain, the financial costs (up to $700 per month) in supplies not covered by our government or insurance companies, job loss, family loss etc. I say all this not for attention to me because I dont need it! Im a survivor! I can fight and will fight! But I say this to draw attention to educate the public that medical discrimination is real, and has to stop now! I am thankful for my life, and am proud of who I am, who Ive become, and who I will grow to be, and will continue to advocate for the rights of those who arent strong enough. Thanks to all those in my life for their continued support in my daily journey. Please feel free to share this post.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:38:23 +0000

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