Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation - TopicsExpress


Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta Shifting to an Ascension Timeline Every moment, we’re moving along one timeline or another. Each timeline has an identity self in charge of managing and overseeing our life. When we shift to a new timeline, we shift to a new identity self. Likewise, when we adopt a new identity, we catapult into a new timeline. While many potential timelines reside in our field of possibilities, our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and choices determine the timelines we experience. Many people are now awakening to expanded timelines and shifting to a course that will bring them to realities where they experience greater feelings of oneness, peace and love. When we shift to an ascension timeline, we find peace within ourselves. Energy previously used to fuel the fires of disharmony among our different aspects can now be used to feed the energetic fields of our dreams, birthing manifestations more rapidly. The emotional freedom we experience from a place of inner unity and emotional clarity allows us to create realities steeped in frequencies of joy, love and bliss. Every moment along a timeline of oneness is a blessed event as we look at the world through the eyes of spirit, seeing all in divine order. Adopting the Identity of the Infinite Self As we come to embrace our infinite nature, we remember our many gifts, talents and abilities. This opens the door to a new identity as a vast being holographic to our spirit and all that is. When we adopt the identity of the infinite self, were ready to shift to a timeline of oneness. In an ascension timeline, we readily embrace our sacred wound and our purpose for this lifetime and step off the karmic wheel. From a place of emotional freedom and spiritual clarity, we follow our guidance and inspiration to bring into being knowledge, art works, inventions and realities that assist humanity to its next phase. When we adopt the identity of our infinite self, we face new challenges. It’s easy to become discouraged if, after having adopted an expanded timeline, one fails to experience all they have glimpsed in their visions. A person may glimpse within their field of possibilities a new and expansive time. They may see themselves doing things they have always dreamt of doing. They may choose to adopt this timeline they have glimpsed. This doesn’t mean they will immediately experience all they have seen. It’s possible to make an immediate shift, but more often what happens is that a person begins to receive guidance of steps they can take to better tune in the timeline theyve chosen. It’s always up to each individual how quickly they work through the steps they are shown. If one is shown they need to create emotional healing and clarity, this may be a lengthy undertaking, depending on where they currently are emotionally. As a person asks for, receives and follows guidance, they come into closer resonance with their chosen timeline. Finally, as they persist, there comes a day when they are fully existing in their new timeline. A Short Course on Timeline Shifts Within every life there exists many timelines or threads you can choose from. These are parallel or alternate realities energetically existing side-by-side. In a sense, all of these reality threads exist in your energy field as future possibilities. The only question is which you will choose to bring your focus to. Because these alternate threads already exist energetically, you can choose to shift your focus to a new thread at any time. The key is in perceiving alternate threads. Sometimes people glimpse other possible realities but find it difficult to accept that they are seeing alternate timelines. This can happen when one over-identifies with their current identity self. As we awaken to our expanded field of possibilities, we become aware of other possible identities and timelines and learn to consciously shift from one to another. Each thread in your field of possibilities is a story you have the capability of joining “already in progress.” A thread not chosen continues to exist, following its own timeline. The fact that a reality is not your current thread of focus does not make it any less real. Any thread of reality you can conceivably imagine is a real thread of possibility running parallel to your current focus. You would not be able to imagine a thread of reality that does not already exist in your field of potentiality. Timeline Shifts and Ascension Consciousness Each person has a probable future where they are fully realized and awakened. The only question is how far their present moment is from that probable reality – how far they must stretch from where they are now to an ascended consciousness. When you shift to an ascension timeline, you will be shown how to clear any emotional baggage that stands in the way of the emotional clarity and freedom that is part of an expanded consciousness. During this time, scenarios from the past may come before you to be healed and released. As you see these old scenarios, remain in a place of love, understanding and openness so you can receive the message of each. You may know people who seem particularly adept at re-creating themselves. These are people who are able to clearly perceive the realities that exist within their field of possibilities, and know how to transform their consciousness to bring themselves into harmony with the reality of their choice. For such individuals, limitations, emotional upheaval, physical illness, scarcity, struggle, suffering, and other undesired realities have ceased to exist. This is the beginning of what you may term “ascension consciousness” where the school of life drops lower frequency courses from your curriculum and adds new, high-vibrational courses such as spiritual alignment and personal empowerment. This new course of learning brings your consciousness into harmony with your higher self. By learning to consciously work with timeline shifts, you are able to access new timelines through aligning your consciousness with realities you perceive from your higher awareness. High-vibrational realities are always aligned with your spiritual purpose. By choosing these alternate threads, you begin to align with your highest possible reality, thereby completing your Earth school curriculum and becoming “Heaven on Earth.” For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta celestialvision.org 15 December 2014 Teacher:DL Zeta celestialvision.org
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:32:31 +0000

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