Tina Dawn Rayley - I posted this to your wall, however I needed - TopicsExpress


Tina Dawn Rayley - I posted this to your wall, however I needed the world to know how very lucky I am : 11/12/14 To Tina on our first wedding anniversary - The first year has been full of love, laughter, challenges and changes for both of us. I can’t imagine I would have had the strength to persevere without your love and support. I have learned that a man is only as strong as his core supporters and you and our children have made me a better man, husband, father and all-around human being. Twelve important lessons learned: A family is important. Whether or not a family is perfect is not something any one person can define. On our honeymoon I met your amazing North Carolina family and you met my, oh, how shall I put it, unique family. We laughed as we made comparisons. We realized that their love was something that would guide us and that our newly combined cultures, traditions and values would allow us to create the family we wanted for our own. You collect love and laughter everywhere you go. As we spent our first months together as a married couple I observed how you became one with those in my world who are so very important to me and had been a part of everything I became as a man leading up until the time I married you. You accepted the many colorful and love-filled individuals and friends from my past as if you had always known them. You became their friend on your terms and you taught me the value of adding to a circle of friends and support with people who valued and loved us back equally. You are a magician. You can have an empty wallet, an empty cupboard and no time and still create a meal for 20 people when needed. You do it selflessly, guided by love and without excuses. You allow the magic of the world to also guide you, expecting the best, no matter how the odds may be stacked against us. You can learn anything. Quickly. And you do. If there is a task to be completed or something needs to be improved, you always find a way. You are a Swiss Army Knife connected to the Internet with a knack for design and productivity, especially when time is working against you. You seek the truth. You quietly sit back and observe. You collect data. You process everything about a situation and historically look at all the elements. You arrive at a decision and wait. You are often correct. I have learned to shut up and listen. I am honored to be the sidekick to Superhero Tina. You strive to be better. Everyday you are finding ways to take better care of yourself, improve our family unit and to make our home and shared dreams a reality. You never settle for “where we are,” yet appreciate “what we have,” while striving to “become more and do more.” You push every limit yet understand that the restrictions we appear to have are only temporary, and you do it with a smile. You are patient. You understand my odd habits, my OCD like tendencies to have to complete tasks a certain way and ever-changing priorities by the hour and yet, somehow manage to stay on the same road I am traveling, often arriving at a destination or point in the day long before I knew that’s where I was really going. You love all of our family, including the cat and dog kind, and even some strange beetle -- for a period of time. The pets we love and care for are a part of our family. You always make sure they are loved and cared for equally, and sometimes, get a bit more attention than even the kids. Of course, that’s how well the animals have trained us -- and I am well trained enough to understand I keep my wife, kids and animals happy and then, if all is peaceful, enjoy a few moments of calm with you before the next rumble of thunder with any of of them disturbs our peace. You make me smile with your joy filled morning routine of bliss, calmness and peacefulness that starts our day. Okay..That’s sarcasm. You make me smile with your projections of doom and chaos in the morning as I get the joy of watching you become a different person and you watch me do the same. We have learned morning conversations shouldn’t really count… Adventure is your middle name. You are always up to try something new and exciting, whether it is abandoning me at a truck stop in Wyoming, gracefully sleeping on a bench in an airport or braving another red carpet event and awards show. You make it all seem so interchangeable with finesse and honesty. I love that I never know what to expect and that the minute I do think I may be learning something about you, it changes. You are my own adventure. Compassion. Whether it’s an injured bird, friend with a broken down car or homeless soul who needs help - you often find a way. I know how often I witness you do something for others. I imagine you do it at least 100 times that amount and you never say a word about helping others. You do it because your heart and soul are always in a love-filled give back place. I am learning to be the same. You accept me as I am. By doing so, you have allowed me to accept and love myself. By learning to love myself, I have learned to accept love. You saved my soul, heart, mind and body. You and our children make me the man I want to be in this world and I have accepted that your love is the gift the universe delivered that I never thought I would find. Happy Anniversary, I love you. Pietro
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:29:00 +0000

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