Tip of the day- find some software that makes your life - TopicsExpress


Tip of the day- find some software that makes your life easier! Over the past months I have been making a list of resources that anyone who is a small business owner, solopreneur, or non-profit could benefit from. Another group that I am apart of had a discussion about creating a media kit for someone who wants to be a speaker. One of the items mentioned was having a video. The software that was mentioned just happens to be one of those resources on my go to list, Animoto. So my tip of the day, step out in your brilliance and share who you are and what gift you are here to bring. Myself, I am learning each day that my gifts are helping people and businesses grow and be the best they can, yet the struggles that you encounter in your personal life, getting the business going, or a combo of both can lead to suffering. Here is my video created on Animoto for one of my workshops. youtu.be/n5548eEkyzI?list=PLGwSSsYG1Cjdo_Al8wt2IBgqXDJ2THp79 So step out. If you have a favorite technology that makes your life/business easier, please reply below and share the wisdom. Enjoy Animoto Till next time, -Mellissa Rempfer Giving Excellence, host of the Brilliance and Business Community.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:55:10 +0000

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