Tips for Successful Video Interviewing Video interviews are - TopicsExpress


Tips for Successful Video Interviewing Video interviews are becoming more commonplace in the workplace. As hiring becomes more global, both for employers and candidates, video interviewing is a way to expedite the interview process. Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first round interviews more quickly, save on transportation costs, and get the interview process started much faster using video conferencing than they can scheduling in-person interviews. Video - The Next Step in the Recruiting Process Companies hiring at all levels, from entry-level to experienced professionals, are more comfortable using technology (as you can see from the growth in Internet recruiting) and video interviewing is becoming the next step in the online recruiting process for many recruiters and employers. For the job seeker though, it can be a little intimidating. Its hard enough to interview face-to-face, let alone in front of a camera and microphone. It can seem like a scary proposition, even for those of us who are familiar with technology and use it on a regular basis. Tips for Video Interviewing Advance Planning • Make sure that you send any materials (CV, etc.) that the recruiter needs in advance. • If the interview is at a company office, arrive early so you have time to get situated. • Ask for assistance if youre not sure how to use the equipment. Actually, even if you think you can figure it out, its good to ask for a quick overview. What to Wear • Dress professionally. Wear the same interview attire you would for an in-person interview. • Dont make the same mistake one candidate did! He wore a suit jacket, dress shirt, and tie, presuming that only the top half would show. However, when he stood up the interviewer saw a full-length view, including the jeans he was wearing. During the Video Interview • Make sure the table is clean and neat. You dont want to distract the interviewer. • Be aware that the microphone picks up all the noise in the room. Dont tap your pen or shuffle papers. • Make eye contact. If you dont the camera will be focused on the top of your head. • Use the Picture-in-Picture feature so you can see how you appear. The Interview Process • The interview process will be the same as an in-person interview. The interviewers objective (to screen candidates for employment) is the same. • You will be asked the same type of interview questions. Also, be prepared to ask questions, as well. What experience have you had with video conferencing? Share in the comments below.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 06:25:51 +0000

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