Tips on What to Do if Lost in the Wilderness Consejos En Que - TopicsExpress


Tips on What to Do if Lost in the Wilderness Consejos En Que Hacer Si Te Pierdes En Medios Agrestes Step 1 Stop where you are. Now is the time to gather your thoughts and calm down. Panicking will only get you more lost and possibly hurt or killed. If there ever was a time for rational, calm thinking, its right now. Relax and study the environment around you. Dont try to continue on a path that might only get you deeper in the woods. Its easier for someone to locate you if you stay in one place. Paso 1 Détente donde estés. Este es el momento de respirar y calmarse. Entrar en pánico solo te va a perder más y posiblemente lastimarte o matarte. Este es el momento para pensar racionalmente y calmadamente. Mira alrededor tuyo. No trates de continuar porque lo único que vas a hacer es entrar más profundamente en el bosque o en el páramo. Step 2 Assess what gear you brought with you. Hopefully you were a smart hiker and brought water, food, matches, knife and a compass. Cell phones are great, but they dont always get reception through the tall trees of a forest. It might be a smart idea to leave your phone turned on, in the event its able to be traced. Paso 2 Verifica con cuidado todo el equipo y recursos que traes contigo. Si eres un camper inteligente posiblemente trajiste agua, comida, fósforos o fosforera, navaja y brújula. Celulares son excelentes pero no tienen señal en ciertas zonas. Step 3 Tie your shirt, or some other article of clothing or material you have, on a tree. Circle around the tree and see if you can spot the trail, or some other exit out of your present spot. Dont lose sight of your tree, or you could become further lost. If you dont see anything familiar, return to your starting point and wait. Paso 3 Amarra alguna prenda de vestir a un árbol y explora alrededor del mismo para ver si encuentras el camino. Nunca pierdas de vista el árbol con tu prenda. Si no encuentras nada conocido regresa al punto de comienzo Step 4 Find leaves, branches, a cave or anything else thats available to make a shelter. It gets cold in the woods at night and the last thing you want to get is hypothermia. If youve packed an extra shirt or poncho in your backpack, these items will be lifesavers at night. Paso 4 Busca hojas, paja, ramas o cuevas para que sea tu refugio. Por las noches hace mucho frio y lo último que buscas es tener hipotermia. Si tienes en tu equipo ropa extra puede ser tu salva vidas. Step 5 Make a fire to keep warm and possibly alert someone to your whereabouts. By placing green leaves on your fire, youll create smoke, which will help you signal your location. Try to build your fire safely so you dont cause a forest fire. If youre lost by a river or lake, draw a signal in the sand that rescuers will be able to see from the air and locate you. Paso 5 Has un fuego para mantenerte caliente y posiblemente alerter a alguien para que te encuentre. Introduciendo hojas o paja, eso produce mas humo dando oportunidad para que los de la búsqueda puedan encontrarte. Step 6 Stop and listen to the sounds of the forest and smell the air. You might be lucky enough to smell someones campfire or hear someone else in the forest who is close by. At night, look and see if you can see lights in the distance from someones home or camp. Paso 6 Quédate muy atento a sonidos o olores, si tienes suerte puedes oler el fuego de alguien más o escuchar a alguien más.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:57:23 +0000

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