Tis is some information and benefits of Chrysanthemum tea and - TopicsExpress


Tis is some information and benefits of Chrysanthemum tea and Honeysuckle flowers: 10 HEALTH BENEFITS OF CHRYSANTHEMUM TEA Chrysanthemum tea acts as a natural coolant and has been talked about in the ancient Chinese medicinal science. A person will benefit a lot by having Chrysanthemum tea every day. The Chinese medicinal practice included the use of herbs as a major part of the treatment. The Chinese knew that a soothing cup of warm golden brown Chrysanthemum tea has remarkable health benefits. Nutritional Information: This is an extremely potent herbal tea. Chrysanthemum tea has high amounts of B carotene which are present in the yellow part and the fruit. The B carotene is converted in Vitamin A in the liver[1]. This kind of Vitamin A is helpful in treating skin problems and increasing the immunity power. It also helps in postponing the aging process and age related blindness. Chrysanthemum tea is also a good source of Vitamin Bs like choline, folacin, niacin as well as riboflavin. It also contains Vitamin C which reduces the risks of scurvy and protects the eyes. Chrysanthemum tea also has minerals like calcium which is important for the teeth and bones, iron which helps in the transportation of oxygen through the blood, magnesium which is required by more than three hundred kinds of bodily functions as well as potassium which is needed for proper cardiovascular functioning and stabilizing the blood pressure. Chrysanthemum tea also has adenine, amino acids and glycosides. The health benefits of Chrysanthemum tea: Chrysanthemum tea is not very famous amongst herb enthusiast that is because very few people know about its existence and benefits. Read on to know more about the benefits: 1. Chrysanthemum tea has Vitamin C[2] in which helps ease heaviness in the head during cold[3] and provide relief in sinusitis discomfort. This herbal tea also has antiviral properties and helps relieve congestion in the head which may be caused by viral infection. The heaviness in the head could also be caused due to bacterial pathogenic reaction. Chrysanthemum tea is anti spirochetal in nature thus it is really helpful in easing head congestion. 2. Chrysanthemum tea is naturally caffeine free, hence, it is free from all the side effects of caffeine like anxiety, tension, irritation, nervousness and confusion. 3. Chrysanthemum tea is a natural coolant and helps in lowering the temperature of the body when suffering from fever or even heat stroke. This herbal tea is also helpful in treating pimples and acne. It can also treat discomfort of high temperature such as headache, slight toothache and throbbing nerves in the gums. 4. Chrysanthemum tea is good for the detoxification of the liver and for lowering cholesterol[4] levels. 5. This tea helps in the treatment of coronary artery disease, blocked arteries and even varicose veins. 6. Chrysanthemum tea has stimulating property and helps in alerting the senses and rejuvenating the brain. It stimulates all your senses very quickly and also calms down the nerves. 7. It helps in easing giddiness. 8. Drinking Chrysanthemum tea helps in providing relief in sore throat, redness in the eyes, itchiness in the eyes, dryness in the eyes and dark sport in the eye area. 9. It makes the lungs strong and helps in providing relief in respiratory problems such as shortness of breath. 10. Chrysanthemum tea when taken with lunch or dinner especially with oily foods helps ease digestion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since 659 AD, Honeysuckle has been considered one of the most important herbs for releasing poisons from the body & for reducing fever. The three main parts of the honeysuckle plant that are used medicinally are the flowers, flower buds & stems.The flowers have been used to make syrup that has been used as an expectorant for bad coughs & asthma. Honeysuckle is used by herbalists to clear away toxic substances, also to kill or inhibit the action of germs. It is used to cool & reduce fever and heat. It reduces ulcers, sore throat, skin infections and clears the lungs & strengthens general health. The flowers can be infused to create a hot tea that can be used as an expectorant. Honeysuckle is often combined with other herbs (including cowslip & mulberry) to create a tea that is used to treat coughs & mild symptoms of asthma. Because it is a natural antibiotic, honeysuckle can also be used for infections caused by staph or strep bacteria. Honeysuckle should be used for acute illnesses. It is not meant to be used in the treatment of chronic conditions. Honeysuckle is useful in reducing rashes from skin diseases and poison oak, in which case it should be used as a poultice. For cuts or abrasions that could become infected, an external honeysuckle infusion can be applied.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 16:31:20 +0000

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