To One and All.... Plain Spooky? Or Just Ffffffreaky - TopicsExpress


To One and All.... Plain Spooky? Or Just Ffffffreaky Spooky! Message from The Universe? Maybe? I went out for a little fresh air at precisely Midnight ( 18 minutes ago ). As I stood listening and feeling the breeze on my face just outside the back door to my apartment block, with my back to the door. I stood quietly and breathed in the cool night air. Suddenly but not alarmingly I became aware of a rustling sound down and to my left. My eyes followed the sound. The corner of the apartment block wall, which leads round to the garden area was only some 12 feet away and to my amazement there where my ears and then my eyes lead me was a Badger, well the head and the front half of a badger! I stood silent and motionless with the slight hope this would allow the Badger to continue and fully turn the corner towards me. The badger who had been sniffing as it appeared stopped in its tracks, froze for a moment after looking directly up at me. It was magical. So magical that for the slightest of moments I had a fleeting thought of gently going for my phone and attempting a photograph this wonderful event. Realising there was little if any chance of achieving this and being sure my slightest movement would ruin the next moments I held myself and my breath completely still. The badger broke its frozen gaze which had been fixed fully and squarely into my eyes. And in a flash was gone back around the corner from where it had suddenly appeared. I quickly but as quietly move the few feet to the corner and poked just my head around into the garden. Silence and not the slightest sign of the Badgers whereabouts, even though there was a clear line of vision for 20 yards or so in any direction I felt that could have been taken. This moment seemed magical and in some strange way profound. Intuitively I googled: What does the Badger Symbolise? This was the first thing my search threw up on the search: ............................................................... The Badger: Badger Meaning According to Native Americans, the sighting of badger tracks was very auspicious. Seeing badger trackswas a message that all things are possible when we tap into our inner creative powers. The badger stops at nothing to get what it wants, and this is a lesson for us to be persistent in our pursuits. Specifically, those with the badger totem often attract this creature because he/she has difficulty finishing what is started. The badger will help with this aspect in life. You can call upon the stubborn, strong-willed nature of the badger to help you complete any project you start. The badger is also fiercly independent and can be quite aggressive when threatened. This is a lesson for us to stand our ground and make our presence known when the situation calls for it. Although smaller in stature, the badger commands attention from friend and foe alike. We can do the same, but we must be mindful that we do so in a healthy, constructive manner. Check out the quick-list of symbolic meanings of the badger below to get fast read-out of the badgers energy. Animal Symbolism of the Badger Determination Eagerness Strong will Focus Strategy Tenacity Defense Protection Independence Confidence The badger is connected to the earth, and therefore is a grounding totem for us. When we feel out of touch, or confused the badger can help us get rooted, and anchor us to what is important in our lives. When the badger comes into our lives it is time for get busy with projects, speak up and ask for help if we need it in our lives. The badger is also a sign that it is time for us come out of hiding - its time for us to let the world know we are here, and we mean business! Lastly, the symbolism of the badger also includes individuality. The badger is a unique creature, well equipped to meet all the challenges it faces. It lives its life quite effectively. And although its methods might seem unorthodox, the badger doesnt care what the rest of the animal kingdom thinks about them. This is perhaps the greatest lesson the badger imparts to us. In short, the badger tell us to walk your own path at your own pace. Nevermind what others may say. Have faith in your own abilities and know that you are well-equipped to take on whatever challenge faces you. I hope you have enjoyed this page on the animal symbolism of the badger.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:49:52 +0000

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