To: The Judgeship of the Second District Juvenile court judge - TopicsExpress


To: The Judgeship of the Second District Juvenile court judge Parnall, New Mexico State Police, F.B.I., the Department of Homeland Security, the A.C.L.U., the Department of State and various Media outlets, Re: Permanency Hearing. FR: Justin E. Bishop (Father to the four Bishop Children) Just prior to my appearance in the “reasonable efforts” by me aspect of these proceedings that I will later address in the letter below, I wish to make privy to this court that the opposing attorney, CYFD attorney, Allison Endicott was out in the corridors of this court bragging loudly and kept making eye contact with me, while addressing herself to the assistant of this court how she had imprisoned an entire line of males of the same family name. Despite my fear that I didn’t make a “deal” to avoid prosecution with a no contest plea I will speak out now and face her happiness and bragging or gloating to others once she sees her way clear of not only attempting to have me labeled a Terrorist but of my imprisonment after that failed. With that being said and if it pleases the court, as my attorney has stated it does; I Justin E. Bishop now come before you a respondent party in case number JQ-2011-00123. I come before you as, down trodden of will, spirit, heartbroken, abused emotionally, psychologically and physically, assaulted numerous times, discriminated against in every possible manner throughout and neglected in all matters of this case, lest it be in the interest of my prosecution by the opposing party CYFD, the actors within that party of CYFD, so as to include the Investigatory staff and their supervisors, all the way through to the attorneys whom hold interest for CYFD and the workers under the scope of responsibility to this case. I seek much justly due relief and pray now upon this court not only for the ear granted me in this time of the process but more so to see justice carry a weight tipping her scale in my favor and not only for that but also for this occasion to express myself without interjection, objection, or the more commonly called “bullying” made by the legal actors of CYFD; but moreover seek through a finding of yours, my truest causes of concern and pray you grant to me judicial relief in regards to my statements here today. CYFD has been granted motions after attempting to find the seeking of favorability in the eyes of the court despite difficulties projected by your Honor in regards to what they will do when granted the orders sought against me that would essentially tie everyone’s hands behind their back most concertedly not only mine facing their prosecution but inherently worse yours along with your voice to guide justice and see her true. They sought out there last order under false pretenses by acting vindictively while also maliciously and therefore to date sought the majority of all their motions to this court in both cases legally linked with acts of misconduct. It was their intent with their last motion to the court to have me appear as a possible terroristic threat to National Security Personnel, i.e. the Federal Bureau of Investigation, State Police and you your Honor. A grave and undue charge and an apparent threat from CYFD that if I am to exercise my Constitutionally protected right of the freedom of speech and grouse over the violation of other Constitutionally protected liberty interests being violated by them here in this civil court and convey my concerns in regards to their violations of my civil liberties I will face imprisonment or the Agency’s seeking of assistance outside the construct of this civil court to attempt to see me deemed as a threat to national security and therefore have me labeled as a Terrorist. In this endeavoring to have me deemed a Terrorist maliciously they endangered my life as if deemed so I would have been subject to the Patriot Act and could have been tortured, imprisoned and or executed under the construct of that act. Does the possibly threat of the termination of my life or my imprisonment or torture under the Patriot Act seem reasonable for me to suffer for being the one to call CYFD in each and every time? I think not your Honor and below are more concerns that show despite any effort of mine they will not relent until they see their way through to creating nothing but detriment to me. However the document in question submitted by CYFD addressed to the concerned and unconcerned, in regards to a personal echoing of mine of Abraham Lincoln’s quote that states… “those that do not study their past; are doomed to repeat it”, was no more than a vindictively and maliciously interpreted letter of my being forthright in my conveyances to CYFD as to how revolutions begin, not that I was starting one. More over the Federal test put in place by the United States Supreme Court for this accusation is one based in common understanding and intelligences and it is obvious either their intent was malicious and vindictive or it lacked common intelligence and either way is wrong, unfair and ill-conceived and I wish to not be held accountable to an agency that have any of those attribute in place. Besides your Honor I ask this court and its parties to ponder… “What bright soldierly tactician would give any warning prior to attack?” and also “what military tactician would give warning heightening security if endeavoring or plotting attack?”. The answer is simply none your Honor. And I am neither in any case. This document in question, which was prayed for recess and review on, was recessed on and not again referred to during the course of continuing in that proceeding where your Honor put in place an order of the court for my restraint in contacting CYFD directly without the filtration of an attorney. You then granted the motion of restraint on CYFD’s behalf however, it was after your stated concern in regards to the document and after the pause for recess in which I prayed upon you for a recess for you to review the evidence; and it was after that recess that then and only then, the order was granted in CYFD’s favor without any reflections back to the maliciously and vindictively or unintelligently misinterpreted letter. The motion of restraint was granted instead (after the recess) in regards to much earlier written and admittedly poorly formatted e-mail to the court CASA, where I simply portrayed myself to be a rude, non-professional ass, as opposed to the e-mail that was nearly deemed to be a threat of a radical, maniacal, insane and unstoppable terrorist by CYFD. I believe that anyone involved in that complaint and the threat to alert National Investigatory personnel should it be found that they submitted that document along with report to police should be held to the filing of false police reports and thus be charged a felony count of that filing as if there was a filing as my attorney indicated I have the evidence in hand to show and prove in proceedings of that nature that it was not only false but malicious and malevolent at the same time and was filed through malice as opposed to fear. Furthermore I understand what that recess meant legally and what not reflecting back to the document in question meant as well legally and so conclude that ultimately as several others have that when you read and interpreted it during the recess that it was not deemed to be a threat after all through your recess and further review of the document as I understand court procedure and its functions. This understanding of legality is what CYFD fears not my letters. Therefore there is not any evidence to show they have assisted in any way to this court unless there was an interest in my prosecution or the removal of Constitutional liberty interests. And so I ask, and pray that God in Heaven Jehovah, as well as your Honor and this court show me mercy with this sole opportunity in these proceedings, for me to be granted a permanent relief from this agency as they have constantly endeavored to seek relief from their responsibility to me due to their inability to properly address me as a client and their open claim to not have the ability or professionals on staff to not only handle the “unique” natures or challenges presented by me as a client and my requesting to have them portrait themselves as an entity with common and reasonable intelligences, but moreover their unwillingness to do so throughout both of these cases that is repeatedly shown with their very motioning to the court in these cases with the constant seeking of the removal of Constitutional liberties or my imprisonment. Like the open and blatant perjuries and acts of intimidation provided by Sandy Barnheart Y Chavez that made play in these courts without any aftereffects to her. It is not only I that has suffered at the hands of CYFD and their admitted inabilities on court record and the actors therein my entire family as a unit has suffered, The Constitution also has suffered, the legal system has suffered and therefore in turn Society as a whole has suffered and all of us will continue to suffer unless you exercise the due diligence I have faith you possess and relief is granted to me in these proceedings here today. Lest the lacking of that relief lead to even more abuses on society from this Agency. Only now I am afforded the occasion in this stage of the hearing here today to be able to freely convey my concerns and wants in regards to the case number above and the previous case called forward into evidence in this case by CYFD attorneys much too eager to (re-try) pollute the facts of first case without interjection, interruption, denial of services, denial of my rights and Constitutional liberty interests, or threats I will never see my children again for my standing up for not only for my rights, but the rights of the actors against me (CYFD & Staff) their murdering of those rights and their using of this court to be accessory to those murdering of rights but your rights and everyone’s rights under the United States Constitution as well your Honor. Moreover the rights of all American Citizens subject to violations of the Constitutional Liberties afforded us all by un-checked power granted and exploited by CYFD and its workers and its Legal represents (lawyers). So I need not pray upon this court your Honor to listen, as I am granted this already, however I pray upon this court, you, and the scales of justice and the Constitution all the same that you not only listen to my pleading but you also hear this statement and consider the outcomes and detrimental ramifications upon society of this hearing falling to their favor and the “so-stated” on the record statements by CYFD and its represents, as to the “unique” natures in this case and I a respondent (or defendant as that is how I have been made to feel)have and what it means for not only my family your Honor, but everyone’s family including yours; but also more importantly than our families yours and mine and theirs (CYFD’s) but also importantly and inclusive of our families society’s families as a whole. If it were to be able to be said in the future after this hearing that CYFD and its agents and workers are allowed to succeed in this case with the removal of my parental rights or other Constitutional liberty interests without a stopping of these violations by this court it could potentially damn us all. Within mind and despite their own continuous claim with their very own motions to the court and their claim to be unable to properly and professionally address me the “unique” client and so then they are empowered with a sense that they can do whatever they wish, whenever they wish, and however they wish it, without the binding constructs of law that protects us as Citizens from the abuse and misuse of the authority granted this agency by the Federal Government and the Governing State over it fondly being known as the Land of Enchantment like when they see it fit to not perform for this court procedures that this court deems mandatory by not having all parties allocated to pre-hearing meetings and become upset and defensive when you make statement requiring a “roll call” prior to the initiation of the meeting only to find that once again you are thought so little of that even when the court says mandatory attendance since it is your unique situation they do not have to comply. If they are successful it will then set forth a precipice of rudeness, refusal to be polite and claims of mental alienations refuted by psychosocial assessments hidden from the court as being “unique” and open Pandora’s box to “unique” becoming whatever it needs to be, whenever it needs to be it for them to always find fruition in their causes to seek the custody and the rendering of that custody as they see it fit despite Constitutional liberty interests or Civil liberty interests or law in general leading to an empowerment granted them by your court to overpower the very Constitution as well as the Bill of Rights. And therefore lead inevitably to more actions committed by this agency to violate not only the Children’s Code Law but all other policies, procedures and laws as well in their endeavor to selectively target families in a “stereo typical” manner allowing them to act boldly under CYFD’s assumption that the removing of children from a predetermined group of people stereotypically known to be that of an environment of mental disability, drug use or abuse, homelessness, various mental alienation, or disabilities, or lack of conventional needs being in place or simply someone refusing to lay down and allow the violation of Constitutional liberties; and that those “types of unique, stereo-typed people”, are not only unaware of their rights under law and Constitutional liberty interests but in fact those people are simpletons, or that they are uneducated in general and that they are easily “targeted” and their children are easily removed from them without contest or concern. And let me state here for the record I am not mentally ill, illness suggests a cure remedy or fixing can be achieved. Not so… I am mentally disabled. Therefore the terminology of “untreated mental illness” is a falsehood. And moreover when balanced properly my disability has a symptom that is described as a more rapid processing of information than the normal unaffected by this disability brain can achieve. However, this rapid rate of information processing places wears on the brain and is degenerative and luckily for me at this age it is at the peak of ability as opposed to the mental illness and retardations projected at me by this court’s counselors. There for I wish that any statements that I am suffering from untreated mental illness become stricken from the record until CYFD provide the court with the dignity it deserves by properly articulating my mental status. I wish this as it is important to classify individuals accurately to avoid looking overzealous in their descriptions as Rachel Allen did when she stated for the record that “Justin suffers from untreated mental illness and suffers from BI-POLAR DISORDER, POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER, AND HYPER VIGILENCE DISORDER.” There is not any such disorder as “hyper vigilance disorder”
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 13:50:23 +0000

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