To Whom It May Concern, In regards to America, the presidency - TopicsExpress


To Whom It May Concern, In regards to America, the presidency and the current concerns as address during the public communications of economics, automation of manufacturing, national marijuana laws, Social Security, education, currency expense/banking, and the massive dumping of waste with a failed reclamation program, not to mention minimum wage concerns and small business, I would like to offer opinion to assist with documentable facts in accordance with American guidelines and my advanced studies and expertise in advanced technology design. As the presidency stated to go “Forward,” the automation of manufacturing is easily achieved with simple remote control type technology as with small remote control cars and assembly line technology. With GPS tracking and Google maps, we can automate the concerns of delivery as well as concerns with automotive and virtually every job function as much as the effort is made without limitation. HP or Hewlett Packard is providing the most advanced computer systems to date including fingerprint swipe Biometric security in their laptops and HD, Hi-Definition in large screens and other provide abilities still to be recognized. When the companies implement the newest Logitech USB Micro wireless technology such as with their wireless mouse, the large screens and cable/internet/telephone bundles can operate with the USB micro devices and perhaps an HDMI wireless if necessary if developed for these needs. HP claims publicly to be able to calculate billions per second and Sun Micro claims billions per centimeter. The problem of natural resources and waste disposal/recycling/reclamation can use a physics temperature/thermostat control funneling mechanism to allow the resources to be reclaimed and automated into new resources with the manual labor efforts that fail and the dumping of 700 billion tons yearly into landfills and the oceans. 4.5 pounds daily per citizen in the US alone adds up quickly and can be easily resolved. If the estimates of value are set at as much as $15 per pound stage one and more so for the requirements of advanced technology, etc. The elimination of new resource requirements, the land management and other provides for much profitability. With wire wrapping technology similar to stun guns and twisted lights that reduce power consumption, it can be that power can be contained and rechanneled into the same devices such as any power required in TV’s, Microwaves, Air Conditioner/Heating, Automotive tire rotation friction, NASA, and the end result is no public utility expenses required with wireless communications perfected with a wireless Norton Internet Security-IP Trace type technology to facilitate the details of wireless communications mapping. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is now free to the public online and found by searching Google and is a designer or artist tool to facilitate the planning for the projects necessary. Taxes can be eliminated because of the “Boston Tea Party” knowledge of American history. The bible states the no interest should ever be charged and the common sense logic of this statement is easy to understand being that one dollar is always equal to one dollar and asset gain with manufacturing or other is the only way to increase the value of the asset. The communications industries are all problematic and failed for the consumers and are easy enough to fix with HP, Microsoft Windows and USB micro devices that should be combined with wireless routing technology built in and auto programming for all peripheral devices as well as the notebook control centers. No longer do we need to waste batteries and offensive amounts of wire and all powered devices can be self-contained, from watches, to cars, to airplanes. Power for household items as listed previously probably can be powered this way by putting the units in the wall outlets to reduce manufacturing requirements. Satements from before suggest a 9V battery can surge to 40,000 volts. So much to be expected in the future and automation can provide a means to facilitate the goals. Social Security is being taxed for earnings separate from this and the tax publishing states the two must be combined to establish the tax rate/percentage. This is called “Double Dipping” because the tax has been paid previously to bank the social security earnings. The elderly and disabled are in hardship because the savings for this were much lower during their work era and the economy continuous to escalate. With regard to something as simple as marijuana, the American “Bill of Rights,” I believe states freedom from persecution because of a religion or by a religion and the Bible states in Genesis 1:11: 11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. The dangers do not exist, the American Policy of Prohibition laws state “if a few states will come forward to support ending this restriction, the changes will be enacted immediately.” Twenty one states have spoken in favor of this issue including medical support through NORM’L, the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws. By proxy vote alone, the nation has sufficed the requirements. I myself being an advanced technology designer, much of these skills are about problem solving. I can facilitate these endless possibilities such as law, medicine, technology, education, etc. Something as simple as spinal cord repair for a quadriplegic friend of mine should be easy enough to accomplish if I have the opportunity. My only concern if I may say is that I have been on Social Security Disability too long, victimized by too many employers paying nothing before this and I have far too many abilities and too much potential not to be paid and succeed. One last knowledge of benefit for the president and cabinetry, staff, other, etc. is that Google and Google Chrome offers video conferencing, chat, email, and spam blocking free of charge and can be used for face to face conversations anywhere a person takes a computer. I believe this to be important so as I may be able to assist with any concerns/questions to provide what may be necessary for the efforts that I believe to be best and I believe the president of the United States also has the same concerns and would love to make these efforts. Sincerely, Arthur (Artie) Cohen Aka: Electrified Steel.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 22:57:55 +0000

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