To Whom it May Concern, I am a 57 year old research chemist who - TopicsExpress


To Whom it May Concern, I am a 57 year old research chemist who has been struggling with breast cancer for the past decade. Formerly a patient of Dr. Nancy Sklarin at Memorial Sloan Kettering, I was referred to Dr. Johanan Rand, M.D. by my primary health care physician in 2006 after my insurance company declined to pay a significant portion of my on-going cancer follow up exams and diagnostic tests. My initial diagnosis included three separate cancer types- tubular carcinoma, ductile in- situ, and lobular carcinoma- contained within six separate tumors in my left breast: a very unusual cancer scenario. In 2001 I underwent a total radical mastectomy- including removal of the underlying chest muscle- and tram reconstruction; in 2003 I had an oophorectomy and hysterectomy; in 2009 I had several weeks of radiation for tumors that were discovered in the bone around my right eye. I am disclosing my medical history so that you can understand that I have had a relatively extensive relationship with various medical specialists and diagnostic facilities and processes. I initially went to Dr. Johanan Rand, M.D. to get a diagnosis for a recurring series of stinging pains in my upper back. I recall that first meeting with absolute clarity. Dr. Johanan Rand, M.D. was not the first specialist I had visited to get a diagnosis, but he was the only doctor who did not dismiss my symptoms. Even though his waiting room was far from empty, he went over my medical history thoroughly and shared his thoughts about possible root causes for my symptoms. I was impressed by his honest approach and compassionate demeanor, and left his office that day knowing that he cared about my total well-being. Additional tests- including a complex blood screen- were all done within the framework of my insurance- and were performed at facilities of my own choice. Subsequent results were not only disclosed, but discussed at length. We discussed holistic approaches, as well as traditional therapies, and he always researched the latest literature to either rule out or validates any possible drug / estrogen interaction. Dr. Johanan Rand, M.D. is my hero. As anyone faced with a terminal illness or living with a chronic condition can attest, living a full and active life is the ultimate objective. Under Dr. Johanan Rand, M.D.’s care I have raised two incredible children as a single parent, and am now sending my baby off to college (on a scholarship). I have worked with the same group of chemists for the past 23 years, although our parent company has changed several times. I cannot imagine where I would be at this time in my life without his skill, caring and concern. He respected my issues with out-of-pocket expenses, and never belittled any of the choices I made about treatment (or non-treatment). There is no other physician who I hold in higher regard. Sometimes in life we just get lucky and find a person who genuinely holds our best interests to heart. I am fortunate to have found such a person in Dr. Johanan Rand, M.D. Sincerely,-K.N.D.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:19:16 +0000

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