To all my family, friends, mentors, detractors and critics; - TopicsExpress


To all my family, friends, mentors, detractors and critics; Greetings! As many of you will know I will be departing this sceptred isle on 6 September to make a pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint James the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. The journey of around 800 km will start at St Jean Pied de Porte in south-west France and will take me around six weeks as I also intend to walk an additional 100 km or so to Finisterre (the end of the world) to complete my journey. I am fully prepared and I am looking forward to this journey enormously as it will give me a lot of time to think at a busy juncture in my life. Whilst I relish the physical task it may take some toll on this old frame and being away from those I know and love may get me down a little, so if you would like to support and encourage me you could send me a postcard or short letter to a post office en route with some random thoughts; it could be fun. I have chosen the town of Astorga, where I hope to be around 25th September. Please don’t send anything valuable or heavy as I may pass through earlier and may miss any letters entirely, and I certainly will not want to add any extra weight! The address to be used should be exactly as below and please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery just in case! Sr. TOM SAWFORD Lista de Correos 24700 ASTORGA (León) SPAIN Thank you to everyone who has helped me prepare and supported me so that I can take this time off. It means a great deal to me. Yours Tom
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 09:51:37 +0000

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