To all of our dearest students and friends in Vietnam: We have - TopicsExpress


To all of our dearest students and friends in Vietnam: We have a small announcement to make. We have enjoyed and will never forget the moments we have shared and the friends we have made over the past year and a half. You have all made our time here incredibly special and far more wonderful than we could have imagined before we arrived in Hanoi that cold January day last year. From first meeting Tien and Huyen at the Note to the laughter and stories we have shared with all of you at different times since then. Thank you for all of your support through the various projects, clubs, classes and events we have held. We feel truly fortunate to have met each and every one of you. We have reached a time now though, where we must go home to England for a few months to help our family and spend time with some responsibilities at home that are very important. We may be back here in the winter, we just dont know what time holds for us yet. We will still stay in contact and we look forward to seeing you again soon. We are leaving Hanoi in August, so we hope to see you in the time leading up to then! We will leave after our current courses are finished. All our current classes, clubs and activities will continue until the middle of August. For those of you that study with us, we will try and help you to find good value teachers for your continued study. And for the company classes that we operate we will try to provide you with contacts for teachers to continue. By no means is this goodbye, dear friends, just hen gap lai. Yours, Hugo and Jessica
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:16:42 +0000

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