To all the educated and uneducated people on this forum asking - TopicsExpress


To all the educated and uneducated people on this forum asking doctors to behave, lets introduce you with the reality. 1. The singular profession with the longest genesis period, the maximum time spent in education and education-related work is medicine. 2. If you compare the sheer volume of material to be studied during postgraduation,it is killing. Three years of postgraduation is worse than slavery, and I am not even speaking about MBBS. 3. No MBBS doctor can earn a decent livelihood, unlike engineers, who can do a B.Tech and get a fairly good job. 4. No profession is so intimately related with public life, and is so poorly neglected compared to medicine in India. 5. People who sling mud at doctors reminding them of their duties need to visit the hostels that they live in. Ive seen slums in better shape. Dilapidated rooms, food in the messes is worse than mid-day meals, sewage flowing everywhere, but everyone wants them to smile and come to work everyday. 6. Uneducated politicians and their goons sit in air-conditionedchambers. Please tell me one government hospital that has air-conditioners for all the areas. 7. The salary of a class III employee (watchman, sweeper, ward-attendant,etc.) is around Rs 14,000. The stipend paid to a postgraduate, the class of doctors on whose shoulders most hospitals are run in this country, was Rs 22,000 in Mumbai not a couple of years back. Pay them their dues! Even beggars in CST might be earning more. 8. By the time a doctor has settled in life, he is on the wrong side of 35, sometimes 40 years. His education starts at around 18-19 yrs of age. Does anyone have the guts, as a group on an average, to struggle so much? 9. To all those who think hospitals charge you a lot, they are not run by doctors, but by businessmen, just like a corporation, and hence the name corporate hospitals. Typically, only 7-10% of what you pay at a hospital ends up with the doctor. 10. To all those who ask selfish doctors to go to rural postings- What after the two years? Why is the infrastructure so poor in the villages, despite the fact that government claims to be pumping money into it? Do people after finishing IIM/IIT go to villages and solve basic problems? You can only single and bully doctors because you consider health to be your right. Well, give a thought to those who bestow that right upon you. Get your facts right. Doctors dont want to go on strike. They get nothing out of that. But what else can they do in times when undertaking edical education is almost becoming a costly mistake?
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:06:43 +0000

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