To all: today marks the begging of Crohns and Colitis Awareness - TopicsExpress


To all: today marks the begging of Crohns and Colitis Awareness week. Please know that I am struggling; this is the worst flare I have had since my diagnosis in high school. People always ask how they can help. To start, please visit (and yes, that is my face on their website) and learn more about Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. They are increasingly common debilitating, painful, life changing diseases. I cannot emphasize enough how much it would me to me and the 1.4 million other Americans (and many more the world over) who are suffering in silence. Please also visit It is a phenomenal organization (and a humorous one) that more people need to know exists. I want so badly to emphasize how much we hold back when the collective you asks us how we feel. These are terrible diseases and difficult to talk about because of the symptoms. I have chosen to be out and open about what this disease is actually like, for me. Despite all the pain and fear and agony, there is also beauty, compassion, strength, resilience, and fortitude. While I believe its important more people know what Crohns and UC is actually like, I mostly want to showcase the absolutely amazing people whose bravery and perseverance defies all logic and sense. I hope that this week of awareness brings us closer to cures. Im paying it forward because I believe that is what is right. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about these diseases; look forward to more action and advocacy from me in the future. I will fight till I have nothing left to give. Thank you to all my loved ones who have taken their own personal risks and listened to me tell my story of life with Crohns disease. It does make it better for me when I can share what I am feeling and experiencing. Im paying it forward because I believe that is what is right. So, thank you!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:31:11 +0000

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