To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Hal had so much - TopicsExpress


To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Hal had so much foresight…. The industry is at a loss. A poem/lecture about chrome crowns, bone grafts, root canals, tooth decay, implants, DNA, blood chemistry, fluoride, the trade off of ozone treatment, lymes disease, gum disease and poor nutrition. It is all connected to your level of health. “My dream is being fulfilled by hundreds of dentists. Project my DNA findings 50 years in the future and watch dentistry evolve into a true health profession.” Huggins’ Dream of the Future of Dentistry In eighteen hundred thirty two Paris introduced something new. Amalgam was the way to fill the teeth easy, quick what a relief. Sleepy water and nitrous oxide gave numbness a brand new guide. Painless Parker made use of this going to the dentist was now near bliss. No one thought of mercury disease filling teeth was now a breeze. Then Stock and Frickholm and Olympio found that mercury crept out slow. Which upset no end the ADA still the dentist must obey. The dose so small it can’t be bad but don’t dare make the leaders mad. Examine the high copper amalgam even with the best of rubber dam Gives 50 times more mercury into our body floating free. Amalgam War one two and three set the profession’s destiny. I dream there’ll be a brand new plastic whose properties will be fantastic . Composites without aluminum providing toxicity to overcome. At doses that are really small parts per quintillion that still appall. Doses that small seen on our gels can kill our active immune white cells. Fillings should be tooth colored white hidden beyond normal site. Those abscessed teeth too sick to save through root canals we provide a grave. They may be brittle and seem quite dead but leave them in the mouth instead. Though home for many bacterium to surgery they don’t have to succumb. I dream that dentistry will finally discover hundreds of microbes living under cover. Heart disease and even cancer are not a normal healthy answer. Just to fill a single space where bridges and partials could take their place. Reflecting back to Mayo’s and Price is it really worth the sacrifice. They showed with lots of implanted rabbits this is not a real good habit. Root canals have no MHC so they become your enemy. I dream we’ll use our DNA to chase the anaerobes away. They also provide a hiding place for Lyme’s Borrelia to embrace. Lyme does its damage, then hides away in root canals, they love to play. They stay in there for months on end for there is no immune system to defend. Then drop your resistance for a minute and you can no longer defend it. X-rays are our state of art though they can not tell disease apart. I dream that someday testing will show that infection doesn’t have to glow. Look again at that apex that X-ray is actually playing tricks. When immune cells are killing bugs the “healthy” microbes are living snug. Can you believe for a hundred years That X-rays show not what appears. We’ve been told that black’s infection and never thought of actual connections. That bone dissolves during immune protection and “healthy” looking roots are full of infection. And those pathological microbes fill our bodies every organ providing lobbies. It is impossible to see the detail of the microbes here, but that is not the point. The point is that if these “healthy” root canals were really sterile, the whole scene would be blank. The 370 black squares indicate that the immune system is fighting those microbes. Don’t be too concerned. The 98 red squares indicate that the microbes are more damaging than the immune system can neutralize. Pay attention to these and support the immune system with IVC, bacteriostatic antibiotics or other means of your choice. Actually, all 19 patients had neurological diseases and all of them showed good recovery after the tooth removal. All in all, 468 pathogens were present. With invitations to move right in this indeed is a biological sin. The “healthy” root canals are doing us dirt those are the ones that really hurt. Third molars out – leaves cavitations they’re lined with lots of toxic rations Oozing out a toxin blend which immune systems cannot defend. Left unattended, a sick tooth will grow a calcium lining which doesn’t show. This is condensing osteitis the pain from which really ignites us. Fibromyalgia the pain is called from the contaminated calcium wall. X-rays and psychiatrists cannot find what’s driving us out of our mind. The modern dentist considers ozone which anaerobes can not condone. But aerobes ask for another dose I’m on steroids, so they boast. Prevention brings us mechanical slants the use of plastic sealants. Think of a hand over nose and mouth that fluid flow must go south. Without a source of nutrient the tooth suffers punishment. Stopping fluid flow is the way to develop massive rampant decay. Steinman found the fluid flow sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Rapid transit brings nutrient that’s the healthy precedent. He found those metabolic shields related to what was in our meals. Carbs and protein and ATP determined the tooth’s destiny. Dentists and parents will understand that decay is systemic – isn’t that grand. Through diet alone you can bestow control over that marvelous fluid flow. The secret is in the Parotid gland he’s the one who gives the command. Fluid flow from pulp through enamel that’s the way in every mammal. Add Page’s phosphorus of 3.5 Now we can let a tooth survive. Dental decay is not endemic the problem here is totally systemic. Food’s more effective than the brush hard foods better than softened mush. Watch your chemistry for the 3 point 5 and that will keep your teeth alive. Don’t worry about a tattoo alone below it is soggy black soft bone. Another home for anaerobe bugs growing there like a bunch of thugs. God protect the children, white, black or brown should someone suggest a chromium crown. All Nephrologists seem to agree protect the kids precious kidney. Bone grafts or your face will collapse keep that secret under wraps. Cadaver bone in the socket retains your beauty, so don’t knock it. Again I dream of DNA to see if it’s really OK. Are those bone grafts really sterile if they’re not, you’re in peril. They search for hepatitis, then for AIDS like kids in a bacterial arcade. There are many ways to check sterility though looking like a lesson in futility. For the lethal bacteria are left behind obviously for the mortician to find. Grafts should be considered like transplants not just inserted without a glance. So try for autogenous, like a piece of torus should be accepted for its quite porous. My body will surely accept them for I have plenty of glycoleptin. Blood clots are far better instead delicate bone cells will always die. In 30 seconds with no blood supply. Why not pull teeth and place implants certainly this is the circumstance. They take little care to keep them clean and surgery is not that extreme. Root canals certainly produce their share of bacteria that tend to scare. Pathologists looking for disease but implants tend to make them freeze. Implants by far collect the worst they are the ones that call the hearse. Have a bridge or would you rather have an implant and become a cadaver Watching DNA and blood chemistry takes away the mystery. How do we sort through all this crud the secrets are written in the blood. For fluoride there’s not much to say except to watch for truth decay. - Dr. Hal A. Huggins Colorado Springs Balancing Body Chemistry: Nutrition Diagnostics reception@nutritiondiagnostics Anzac Ave, Redcliffe QLD 4020. (07) 3283 6633 Think beyond your teeth, call: Eric Davis Dental. 40 Duffield Rd, Margate QLD 4019 (07) 3284 5755 https://youtube/watch?v=nmnOoXzmtQY&spfreload=10
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:00:01 +0000

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