To break the cartels hold, all we have to really do is to break - TopicsExpress


To break the cartels hold, all we have to really do is to break its grip over the government, reduce the size of government, so it no longer has the power to regiment the economy. Then we have in one felled swoop, without destroying the cartel per se, we have done almost as good as destroying the cartel. We have taken from them the lever of power that they need. Without big, powerful, centralized governments the cartels would be reduced to the level of competition, straight price competitions between them, eventually they would. It might not happen right away but eventually it would happen, because if it didnt happen, I just know a lot of people would get together who would pool their resources and form another big corporation and go in where the super profits are. When there are super profits (to be made) thats where the investors and speculators always go if they are allowed to go by the government, so all we have to do is get the government out of this field. Now to bring this about it means a great deal of education obviously. As I mentioned a moment ago, all of this was news to me two years ago, I presume it is news to a lot of you here this evening and I can assure you it is brand new news to most people out on the street. Weve got to take this news to the American people. Weve got to explain to them about cartels. Weve got to explain to them about corruption in science and government. We have a job on our hands. To do this more effectively, we should join with others. We cant do so well ourselves although we can do certain things by ourselves. We multiply our effectiveness when we join with others, in groups that have good positive leadership. I recommend for this specific task being discussed here this evening, I cannot recommend an organization more highly to you than the one which is sponsoring this meeting, the Committee for Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy. One good thing about this organization, its leadership knows what it is all about. There are a lot of organizations in this cancer fight that can see only a part of the picture, just going around trying to generate support for slogans like FDA, Please Test Laetrile. Why, thats like asking the wolf to check out the lunch in Little Red Ridinghoods basket. We dont want the FDA to test laetrile, if they do, theyll miss-test it. Theyll lie about it, like they always have. We dont ask the FDA to test or give us approval. We say to the FDA, get out of the field. Make way for free enterprise. Make way for honest people to get into the field of medical research, and we need politicians to take a stand behind the slogan of the Committee which is Get the Government off the back of private research and out of the field of medical practice! And so ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion, I would like to say that the ultimate solution to both the science and politics of cancer will be found only when the political powers of this cartel are broken permitting a return to freedom of choice. So I urge you to join the Committee For Freedom of Choice in Cancer Therapy. Become active in its work. Carry this message to your friends. Help to build up a grass roots army of public opinion. An army, that is so powerful that the politicians and bureaucrats can no longer ignore it. You may save some lives, but just as important, the freedom you will save will be your own. Thank you very much. Big Pharma is not in the business of curing anything and strictly relies on the repeat business from customers who are reliant on their medications. In a world populated by 7 billion people, it is sad that such corporations would place the value of a dollar over the best interests of humanity. As Big Pharma profits from choosing greed versus finding a cure for cancer or any other illness, the unassuming general public continues to feed the cash cow. Related Articles: ALL Canced Can Be Cured in Less Than 12 Weeks - Dr. Coldwell Apricot Seeds, Vitamin B17 and Laetrile - Holistic Cancer Research Marijuana, THC and Hemp Oil - Holistic Cancer Research Rife Machine - Holistic Cancer Research
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 05:46:39 +0000

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