To da meedja. And anyone else who needs and is willing to accept - TopicsExpress


To da meedja. And anyone else who needs and is willing to accept some schooling..offered lovingly with a minimum of snark sauce.... The following is written in a conversational style. Dammar be grammed. (It’s damned already). There is no such thing as “healthy” food. Good food can, under certain “healthful”..or “wholesome”. Never “healthy” unless it is alive and well at the instant it is eaten ! (ouch!) Fish is healthful food, but not “healthy” unless you swallow it alive.Gag ! Back to goldfish swallowing ! Only LIVING ANIMALS AND PLANTS can be HEALTHY. Have you ever seen a steak doing chin ups, or a bowl of cereal running a four minute mile? DUH “HEALTHY” is an adjective describing and quantifying a state of well a living entity.(The eater.). “HEALTHFUL” means” capable of imparting or enhancing a living being’s state of well being when ingested (eaten) Get the difference? “Healthful” and “wholesome” are synonyms. “Healthy:” and “well” are synonyms. Ever hear of “well” food? No.. Proof of inapplicability by non- interchangeability. “Healthy” and “sick” are antonyms. IF food is not “healthy” (duh) is it sick? Ever see a roast puke? No. (I hope “Healthful” and “sickening” are antonyms. IF food is not healthful or wholesome, it is sickening or otherwise non beneficial in some degree.. This interchangeability proves its’ applicability. Stop misusing the word “healthy” for use as an adjective describing food that makes you well...and use “healthful”.or “wholesome” > Many NY Times editors back me on this...nincompoops don’t..but not actively because they’re too lazy.and too dumb. Next topic.... Rock Mountain vs gooey candy.. TWO vastly different-meaning words. “C A R A M E L:” (a sticky brown confection or topping, candy, etc) Pronounced “KARA MEL” “CARMEL” (note a shorter word with no second “A”It’s a big rock mountain in Israel...Pronounced “KAR MUL” or Kar MEL if referring to a beautiful spot on the California coast. CARAMEL-IZED is what onions and other ingredients become when heated in a pan. KARA MEL IZED CARMEL-ized is is mispronunciation of the correct word KARA MEL IZED. BOO on Rachel Ray. Kraft FOODS (makers of KRAFT CARA MELS (!!) spent $2 million in advertising to get nincompoops to stop screwing up the pronunciation of this word..confusing their product and its’ derivatives with that of the Israeli rock mountain. Next topic... broadcaster sins To WKTV—Danube is pronounced DAN YOU BE (Long U) Not DANOOB. For God’s sake. A building housing books and reading rooms is a “li braR-e” not a “lie-berry”..and please get your on air recruits to work on their place name pronunciations prior to regaling us with wrongness.., as a lot of them have trouble with the Indian name-based towns, and creeks. ..and obviously,even the most common German and English ones. He is it ...It is HE . She is it... It is SHE ..Not Her is it...It is her (duh). Or Him is it..It is Him (double duh). Check pronoun use by reversability. I cannot believe our lousy school system and lackadaisical teachers don’t teach that proofing technique today as they did when we were in Hughes School. Can’t today’s “well above minimum wage” teachers manage to put out a final graduate product capable of proper pronoun use. More nincompoops on the loose Thanks, teach Maybe pay based on student performance on standardized test results based on 1966 graduation standards be the way your reward isdetermined. Or..maybe the 1896 standards.. Just go read THOSE tests, folks.Grade school then was like college today.and it was FREE ! “Ew” is what little girls say to show disgust for worms or something else nauseating. , Remember that sound. Now, let us consider the word N ew...Poorly pronounced by hicks, stevedores, guys from Brooklyn who never got out of town and the lower class of used car dealers as NOO. Duh. The root word of “new” is “Nieuw” as as in “Nieuw Amsterdam” the original name for New (Niew) York Cirty and our sainted state. . Pinched sound . “New “ is the same word and pronunciation. OO is pronounced in MOO, NOODLE., or DOODLE New is NOT pronounced or spelled “NOO” Pronounce “F E W” . IF there aren’t many, there are FEW...not a FOO. Pronounce “P E W” In Church we sit in a pew... we hope we do not sit in a POO. Kittens say “ MEW” Cows say “MOO” (note phonetic spelling) IF something is not old it is NEW.... not NOO. If the lawn is damp in the morning it’s because of the DEW...if it stinks in the morning its because of the dog DOO When you look through a window, you see the VIEW not the VOO. When you eat a soupy bowl of chunky meat and veggies you eat STEW not STOO. When you shake a bottle of soda, then pop the cap, it tends to SPEW..not to SPOO. FEW PEW MEW NEW VIEW STEW SPEW all rhyme. NOT FOO POO NOO VOO STOO. SPOO God spare us from Brooklyn stevedore-hick- used car ad pronunciations. Mercy ! Learn grammar before you go on air or into print. Publishers and station managers...Do not hire idiots who can’t use the English language correctly. Gig their pay when they screw up. Either that, or refund us the school taxes we pay futilely as you reinforce and encourage bad grammar by hiring and actually PAYING bad grammarians. (Users of bad grammar...not bad people who use grammar).. , defeating the efforts of everything and everyone we pay with those taxes. Oh..yeah. Maybe the teacher’s we’re paying aren’t doing such a good job on grammar schooling. That’s why the first round of standardized tests found only 28% of our students used acceptable grammar. Yeah, maybe we should make the Utica School District English students PROOFREADERS and proof viewer-listeners of your medium’s work, issuing tax fines every time they catch you using or allowing bad grammar ! A magnificent class project for the Utica School District.and others. Who knows...if they do a good job and really catch all the grammatical and pronunciation errors that Utica area TV, radio, and print media make...we can eliminate school taxes !!! Whoopee ! Oh, yes, “New York” is not pronounced NEEORK. ( Jill...make it two words, please.) “Mirrors” are not pronounced “meers” (this note to Sun Chevrolet lady). And...Clinton is pronounced Clin-ton not “Clit-uhn” with that abominable glottal stop which affects so many on air personalities around here. DeWitt (CLIN-TON) is rolling around in his grave. I have spewed the news and given my views and am now happy.,I invite you with an invitation (wink) to participate in the elevation of the area’s grammar quotient and grades. It’s for the “chil-drun”, after all. With plenty of my own flaws...aiming only at yours..with love abounding. Tom Loughlin Jr.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 02:40:59 +0000

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