To denounce White privilege is not to render a collective - TopicsExpress


To denounce White privilege is not to render a collective judgment. It is not a blanket determination of guilt for an entire people nor does it represent a kind of scarlet letter. I do, in fact, acknowledge that White privilege exists, although it did not feel too abundant in the lower-middle-class, working-single-mother household in which I was raised. However, when one takes the denunciation a step further and demands that those of European ancestry seek absolution and be required to answer for atrocities of earlier eras, it does become all those things. It also serves a prelude for the establishment of variable standards depending on one’s race. Ugly deeds or ugly words should be received with equal opprobrium irrespective of the source. I do not use the term “reverse racism” because that implies that there is only one “correct” direct direction for racism to flow. However, to craft an exotic definition of “racism” which gives a pass to some while condemning others for equivalent behavior deeply offends my sense of justice. If you need to make a scholarly distinction about institutional racism and privilege, you’ll need to get another term. “Racism” is fraught with too much power for it to apply to one race only. Questions of morality aside, I must also question the political wisdom of expressing contempt—however muted—for someone of another tribe who would stand with you on more than 90% of issues related to racial justice and may well stand far to your left in his advocacy for economic justice. I don’t have to do anything on Earth but stay White and die, but during my time here, I would hope to have assisted in the nurturing of the Beloved Community. Call me a “whigger” if you must, but I’m just struggling to remain true to my values and to do the best I can with what I’ve got.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:44:18 +0000

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