To fellow Welsh-- Happiness on Rorkes Drift Day- Jan. 22, - TopicsExpress


To fellow Welsh-- Happiness on Rorkes Drift Day- Jan. 22, 2014. Many Welsh and some Zulu celebrate Rorkes Drift Day in memory of the battles of Isandlwana and Rorkes Drift on Jan. 22, 1879. Many, Many good men- both Black and White died that day fighting for empire and Queen on the British side and empire and king for the Zulu. Some Griffiths were soldiers in the 1st - 24th Regiment at both battles. I have often wondered if they were related. It took raw gut courage on the Zulu side to face the volley fire of .45 caliber Martini-Henry rifles, rockets and cannons. The British / Welsh soldiers faced many thousands of Zulu warriors with rawhide shields and assegais stabbing spears with a formidable will and fortitude to wash those spears in blood. Over 1500 British / Welsh soldiers died at Isandlwana. The white rock cairns mark their graves. May God watch over their souls. At Rorkes Drift- a former mission station, the mass graves of Zulu warriors are marked as are the graves of several brave British soldiers --defenders of the fortified compound. The worst loss of the Anglo-Zulu war was that of Prince Louis- Napoleon the 4th- ambushed and killed by Zulus. All Europe was in mourning. Look at my Find A Grave memorials for some of these men including Louis the 4th of France. The world may well forget--But We remember these men on Jan. 22nd.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:42:34 +0000

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