To make a more serious contribution around Gonzalezs - TopicsExpress


To make a more serious contribution around Gonzalezs article, On the issue of talks, it is fairly well self evident that the Venezuelan government were seeking to widen the divide that already exists within the opposition and to use them to try and stop the violent protests. Its just weird to assume because he had discussions with Mendoza, that Maduro is just going to roll over and let him call the shots. The talks seem like a short term political tactic, not evidence of a wide spread class collaboration politics. The only evidence that Gonzalez gives, is that the talks happen, so de facto, it is class collaboration. Negotiating with enemies is not something new in the socialist movement, youd need to point to something much more materially, to sustain the idea that Maduro is promoting class peace. He is self evidently, confused about what Chavismo represents. In one paragraph, he states The Chavista process is run from above by a bureaucracy that is building a state capitalist project in the name of revolution A few paragraphs later he then says The mass movements have saved the revolution over and over again – in their mobilisations, in their defence of production, in their massive electoral support, and in their solidarity. They are the forces of Chavismo, not a political compromise between hostile classes. Unless he distinguishes between Chavista and Chavismo, then there is a self evident contradiction here. If the process is run by bureaucrats, then surely the mass movements arent the force of Chavismo, they would only be a supplementary to the main force, the bureaucracy. He says it is being done in the name of revolution, yet he himself calls it a revolution. So, what is it? For Gonzalez, it doesnt matter so much what the process is, just as long as people are clear that the Maduro government is betraying it (if it exists, Gonzalez isnt sure) Since he doesnt know himself what the process is. His prescriptions around what the problems are and the solutions are just as confused. He sees it as a betrayal of socialist principal to accept investment from China or Russia, since those countries have nothing to do with socialism. As if we can classify a government by whom they receive investment from or that it would be more principled to have more people homeless, then to have the Chinese build houses. He then says What then can dialogue mean in these circumstances? It is hard to believe it would not involve compromising the objectives of the revolution Surely, though, if the process is run from above by bureaucrats in the name of the revolution, then it would NOT be a compromise. It was business as usual. Gonzalez wants to present the government as forever betraying but the latest betrayal being particularly sinister. Gonzalez, though, moves into pure incompetence when he discusses economics. In that, he doesnt know what he is saying, so often the exact opposite of what he says is true. So, he says The reason for that becomes clear on a stroll around the city. The Venezuelan production system is at a standstill and the gap has been filled by a rising tide of imports, paid for in dollars. A stroll around the city doesnt really do for evidence. Up until October last year (the latest month statistics were available), Imports were lower. Exports were lower, the central bank printed more money for internal investment, they had inflationary impacts but it wasnt a sharp increase in imports. In fact, the IMF indicated the Current Account balance was positive for 2013 and about the same rate as % of GDP as 2012.(much better than in 2009) So, he is wrong. The decline of exports has a lot due to the decline of demand in the US for Venezuelan oil, which is why Venezuela has sought to develop ties with China and Russia to a higher point. Gonzalez opposes this, so its hard to point to what he would do to decrease inflation or reduce shortages. He then says But those programmes are now failing because oil finances are shrinking, or at least being diverted to sustain other areas of the national economy. He doesnt actually know if it has declined or is being diverted! It doesnt really matter, though, because its the Maduro governments fault after all (even though he said before the other areas werent productive) We are seeing economic sabotage in Venezuela, we are seeing the role of financial speculators and the damage they can do. To use their actions and put this at the feet at the Venezuelan government is the height of irresponsibility and opportunistic in the extreme to link it to the socialism from below schema. It is understandable that people want to understand more about Venezuela, I do, as well. Gonzalezs though already has his position and fills in the facts around that. Its not an honest attempt to understand the situation, so really shouldnt be taken seriously by anyone.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:18:06 +0000

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