To my beautiful family and friends. The out pour of prayers. - TopicsExpress


To my beautiful family and friends. The out pour of prayers. Thoughts, love, emotions has been unbelievable!! You have all been instrumental in my well being as well as a major part in praying for Camerons health and well being. The major goal of being In Orlando and taking the risk of the 14. Hour surgery is to eventually be seizure free for the rest of his life. This past week in the hospital we were given some good and some bad news. As every parent you only want to hear good and expect good. Regardless, we had no choice his health is at stake and we needed to go ahead with the surgery with the notion his overall health would suffer and this decision to operate would better him in the long run fortunately after surgery the surgeons were surprised and pleased he actually gave himself apat on the shoulder and was convinced everything went better as planned !! Now its a waiting game. Time will tell over the next year we should know his health condition and we continue to pray that the surgery did in fact eliminate or at the least minimize his seizures. He will then be on none or little medicine after a year. He will hopefully be able to drive. Get a new car. Lol thats the plan and be a normal teenager. He is resting comfortably anticipating therapy etc and will keep you posted as of when we get to leave the hospital!! I love you all very very much! I will never forget the support you have all shown me near and far!!! All my love xoxo. Robin
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:57:03 +0000

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