To revive the spirit of togetherness nd unity so that we soljier - TopicsExpress


To revive the spirit of togetherness nd unity so that we soljier on. Malamulele community association,is an association for ppl of malamulele by the ppl of malamulele ,therfor this association is aiming to contest election in 2016 indipendently from political parties,thefor each and every membr in this group know that u are importd to ur village nd to us ,what we do mst not end here bt we must take it to the ppl in our villages nd townships, it doesnt matter weathr u are in position or not what mattr is ur vote, u can be in position bt if ppl in 2016 ur position is meaningless,thfor cde I plead for unity withn our association,nd withn our communities,if there are some of the thing that ppl feel they were neglectd ,sideline, treated badly calld names,insulted lebeld as enemies some told they are not importd, some were refused to meet leadrship all those kind of bad issues lets leave them behind, nd focus on building our future and the future of the next ganeration ,unity is not unity if we are not united bt its a word that can be aresed nd be replced by other words,m saying this based on the fact that ive realise our association is loosing direction and unity and is up to me to restore unity within ourself so that we can work together ,and achieve this beautyfull idea ,cde when ppl are divedd is very simple for an enemie to filter our association nd destroy it but if we are united nd we are one even a granid can not break us,cde is up to u and me weathr we want to see this idea go down the.drain or we come together and be one and work togethr to achieve it,this group cde is the home of mca the origin of mca thfore its our platform to share what we have ,with respect and unity, lets arase leading ambitions bcouse I personaly dnt see any one as a leader bt volonteers to help our community therfr all of us we are leaders, we are leaders from our communities,there is no one who is superior dan the other ,there is no one who is a boss for others bt we are all boss from our communities,am saying this so that we can be able to work in unity ,one or two ppl can not do the job of ,,400 000 ppl bt mass can do it,my ppl our ppl lets join hands and work together if we keep on debating about leaders, we are not moving bt if we debate about how do we move from here ,how do we genarte funds, how do we get an offce to work on, how do we get big billboards,placards, publicity ,tools including offce tools, how do we plan to get transports that will be for mca only ,how do we market our association from outside or european countries, we should have bean far by nw, comrades we are all hummn and if there are some of the things that u think u were not yet responded too, m available to assist were ican, and m available to work with u ppl .thfor from the chairperson seat as the Dp I humby apologise for all things that were said in this platform which was not acceptable,and offensive to others lets put it behind and move foward.i hope from today there would be post about some of the issues I outlined above,there would more chairpersn issues unless personal as nw m adressng as hs Dp standng in hs shoeS .VIVA MCA VIVA, VIVA UNITY VIVA, VIVA MALAMULELE VIVA ,VIVA MUC VIVA, VIVA VUNWE VIVA ,thnx cde.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 08:56:03 +0000

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