To the American people Opening thoughts We have not learned until - TopicsExpress


To the American people Opening thoughts We have not learned until we live by the word.............the pain one individual has control. Let’s make the pain never appear. Live the word of our creator, and submit to his new callings and revelations. One that lives can see and hear what others can’t hear or see. Its part of the trials of the pain we encounter. One can fool himself, but he must be modern with the creator and not stuck into the past of only one way of seeing his interpretation. The question is are you true with the body mind and soul to understand the new revelations of the unknown scriptures, or are you one of those ones who are programed in time we all shall know, and in time we will be displaced for our actions. Can you see what I see? The answer to the Questions of the poison pond I wonder how we lost the ability to teach our fellow Americans about the history of our nation. What happen? Who is the blame? What can we do about it as an individual? Well it seems that if you ask a fellow American a question about the founding fathers, they seem to have no clue. It seems that Americans don’t even know about their own history of how there nation was founded. We as Americans have to bring the basic foundations back to our nation. We must teach those who know nothing about our history and to make a goal to preserve our history of our great nation. How come a majority percentage of our American population has no clue about our history? Well I could say it has a lot to do with the people who are the elite, the wealthy. They seem to want only the elite to know the laws and the knowledge to be able to rule over the other part of the population. They control what is taught in schools and colleges. Who’s the one that took out the pledge of allegiance in the class? Why did they take our tradition out of our teachings? Why is it replaced by a low percentage of the elite none believers of the American way? And why- because they want to lead us to the pond of poison and control we like slaves being herded to their calling and slaughter. They seem to want the majority of population ignorant dumb on the basic bill of rights and the basic God given rights from above- the fact of the matter- This is a way they control the population. If you don’t know the bill of right or our American history and the supreme laws the elite will lead you to the pond. The fact of the matter is they lead you to the pond to drink the poison. Then you’re a candidate to revenue and a victim of illegal laws that violate the traditions this nation was built and fought against in the past -the British for independence to be free- and to have the right s of the bill of rights. 1-10- To break away from the kind of treatment like today and to end up being over taxed for there needs of the elite. We the people are over regulated and being abused by the elite, and from all the programed police, attorneys, judges, and most public administration working for the elite. The fact of the matter of excessive fines, forced to pay by holding so called privileges and to hold something you need for ransom the elite do it every day. Example the feds will hold funding for individual states, but if the states want the money for their needs, they are obligated to follow a certain guide lines that the feds want. It happens every time, the stipulations of getting funds for exchange to benefits the feds. The feds is the elite and they have forgotten who they work for. . Then if you don’t comply they send you to jail a private jail. During this process taken advantage of the American population’s purse to fund a person’s cost in jail, while the elite capitalizes on this and gets even fatter. Who benefits from this? Yes the elite who take your money and your fellow neighbor’s cash to. - Another loop hole to drain the mighty triangles purse- ok who controls the Americans purse? The elite, congress- Ok who controls the sword, our mighty military, the president of the United States is the Guard and the sword. Who owns most of the American market in the private sectors? Guess who, the elite. How come the elite have worked so hard to make the United States a consumer, not a provider for the consumer? Because the elite is the enemy of our nation, and by their actions they should be exposed. Anyone that violates the bill of rights is the enemy. That’s a fact. Learn and know it to make the difference and teach it to all true Americans. The elite are controlling the banks your checks, your medication, and at any time they can eliminate you by a push of a button and even by a computer screen in the making of you medications. Who’s watching your every move you make? The elite- The elite capitalizes on your pills that the elite want you to take. Fact or theory- I believe it’s a fact. Just look in to how many people die from an elite doctor or medication provider, you’re a risk for testing unknown meds. And showed the poison pond- The question is will you drink like the others? Again fact or theory- Theory is backed by explanations they are weeded out, and if the explanation can’t be weeded out by a scientific method, then it’s a theory. The death of population at a young age for the use of unknown medications plays a key role in the fact and theory of the medical institutions that are run by the elite. The doctors, the mental health doctors, the supporting elements that leads to a cancer treatment, who benefits- the elite- Who are the elite the small population who control and force revenue on the majority of the population? The ones who seem to be the ones teaching, there so called controlled knowledge? It seems the universities and some educators are skipping the teaching of our fundamentals of our nation’s history and traditions what would George W say or do? Probably shoot you in your eye. Lolo- Well there are many questions, and if we don’t bring the teaching of American history to our population we won’t have a nation very long. It’s time to remind those who try to put there outside influence in check. We must keep in mind what the United States is all about. Freedom, to speak freely- Freedom to have a weapon if so desire, and to be able to prosper and truly live free- Well this is the answer to the entire questions I have asked. Read this and know it and live it. Let’s not be no longer abused or lead to the poison pond, think about that my fellow American. The conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added. civilrights.findlaw/civil-rights-overview/ten-things-to-think-about-the-bill-of-rights.html?DCMP=GOO-CR_CivilRights-BillOfRights&HBX_PK=bill+of+rights Any ratification with out2/3 s of the population is then nullified and illegal change. And any state laws and federal laws that conflict at all are illegal. The founding fathers made it clear the only way to change the bill of rights was by its people. youtube/watch?v=yYEfLm5dLMQ&feature=player_embedded Closing thoughts Ask yourself what can I do to preserve the American foundations and the American history? We must stand tall and remind the elite we want our children to have what they have, the knowlegd of the bill of rights, we must bring the religious foundation back, and we must teach at all universitys to make first our history, just like we do for the history of all other nations. We must put our history first above all other history or we will not be in existence to the future to come. Fact or theory- Are you one of the ones who are being lead to the pond? How can you make the difference? Teach all the wisdom of our God, teach those who know nothing about the bill of rights. Share the bill of rights with all American’s tell them how important the bill of rights is, let no elite take them away or change them. Even if it’s just 1-5- The bill of rights was put in place for the freedom to live free. Let’s live free. Let’s expose those elite who violate our traditions. Don’t let them lead you to the pond, lets lead them and make them drink the bill of rights and our for fathers history.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:39:30 +0000

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