To the young and inexperience startup entrepreneurs out there, be - TopicsExpress


To the young and inexperience startup entrepreneurs out there, be honest and upfront about your intention especially toward a seasoned, experienced and successful entrepreneur, your little hustling smoke screen trick dont work because wisdom and experience do come with age. 2 real life examples, 1. ABCDE lied to his newly formed business partners outside that he/she gotten the blessing from the full time employer to start a business despite numerous reminders with a written agreement this was not allowed. Upon getting wind of it, the employer just call all parties in front of ABCDE and aligned. The latter went speechless with no place to hide and got fired on the spot. 2. A group of young employees turned entrepreneurs went to seek mentoring advise with an experienced entrepreneur on their new business venture. The latter discovered their supposed new is a direct competition from their former employer which they are not suppose to and he happened to know their employer. The group claimed that they have the employers blessing, the experienced entrepreneur probe further Oh really, in that case, you dont mind me calling your former employer to check then. The group look at each other and went speechless because they know that it is not true. In fact, sensing this group might breach out of their integrity, he made a further remark, One of you is a shark and I can smell it. 未学经商, 先学做人. Before one embark on anything, learn to Be a person with moral values first. Integrity is the essence of everything successful, long term - Buckminster Fuller P/S: A person never become bad ethically overnight. It is always a slight step to the side and move back to the center. Once he/she sense it is ok to side step, they will start to side step more until their original ethic sense of wrong become right. This is how most of the biggest questionable deals are made of. PP/S: When you start to sow your business seeds with lies and tricks, you get lies and tricks.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 01:26:33 +0000

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