To those who dismiss blacks as lazy, I have these seven - TopicsExpress


To those who dismiss blacks as lazy, I have these seven questions 1. If we are lazy, why did people come to Africa and steal us to work on their plantations? 2. Talking about lazy, why didnt the plantation owners work on their crops themselves? 3. Were the black wet nurses lazy for breast feeding children who were not theirs? What about the wives of the slavers who refused to breast feed their own children because it would change their body shapes? 4. How can you talk of laziness when, for 250 years, blacks had worked to support the American economy by working from dawn to dusk without rest on cotton farms without pay? 5. Is it a lazy person who keeps working on two to three jobs to keep up with a standard of living that keeps rising? 6. Is it laziness when people have to become creative in order to survive a system that wont hire them or wont pay them well? 7. Many in Africa live on a dollar or less a day. Dont you think it takes more than a lazy mind to exist live that? Laziness is not the monopoly of one race. Every tribe and nation has lazy people. In fact, I see and read about lazy people everyday. Especially those who keep the veneer of being hard workers. Those who are intellectually and attitudinally lazy when it comes to understanding what affects other human beings. Such laziness lounges in recliners of prejudice and myopia. Such laziness weakens the ability of the nation to execute change. Look at how many laws and practices are set in this society to keep blacks back and see how they still persevere, in spite of that. Is that a lazy mans approach to life? So, next time you are tempted to dismiss blacks as lazy, read the facts before you open your mouth. Do not expose the world to another bout of ignorance. #SundaySummaries #Think #DismantlingLiesAndFallacies
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:49:16 +0000

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