To those who have lost their loved once we pass our condolences to - TopicsExpress


To those who have lost their loved once we pass our condolences to you all. The damage will be in Millions! Whilst the nation sympathize the loss of life and properties this flood bring about there is also a powerful wisdom to it. We have Ethnic Violence, The Riots and now Flooding! We must wake up to the Sun of Truth! God The wisdom is: The flooding must be seen as a stern and last warning and the life of this people is a sacrifice for this nation. We must repair our relationship in the family, community, and our nation and with God. Our nation capital is populated and has been torn by deviant generation, unbelieving and unethical behaviors that have run headlines in our local media. People forget about God, Religion, immorality and Goes. The Flood that is currently damaging our capital must send a clear message and be seen as God using his creation to Speak to us “wake up I am still your God”. There is a proverb in some ancient holy scriptures which says “if nobody listens to my Words I will let the stone speak to you”. It is evident God is speaking to us using the Flood. When we are happy we forget about God! Now who is upper most? God! Our Solidarity as multi-racial, multi religious, one nation, and one people under God must be strengthened. Spiritual and devotional attitude of our community must be embarked on. Programs to cultivate our children and junior youth characteristics and our solidarity must be born. On the social side, proper planning of our roads must be enhanced; no loitering the street late at night, if you have no reason to stay in Honiara please leave and go home to build your community. Please Listen to God. Scorners made a mistake during Noah’s Days! This generation still has room and hope for change… Let us say to God…please forgive our sins and short comings and enable us to return to Thee. Oh God we want to build our villages inside our communities and our nation on the foundation of righteousness, good governance and Justice. We need a sustainable Solomon Islands, where Rule of law, Quality of life is enjoyed by all its citizens. Let us be true to our-self and God. Continue on if your still on it and find your way back to God if you have been lost in throes of materialism. God Save Our Solomon Islands!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 09:24:03 +0000

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