To what extent are church leaders involved with evil spirits? Oral - TopicsExpress


To what extent are church leaders involved with evil spirits? Oral Roberts claimed a seven-hour conversation with a 900-foot Jesus (strangely, not mentioned in his autobiography) who told him to build the City of Faith Medical Center in Tulsa. This Jesus made false promises in exchange for money: there would be cures for cancer and other diseases if Orals prayer partners would each contribute $240. Simple, sincere people (who still believe him today) contributed more than the $150 million needed to complete the 20-story complex. There was no miracle, no cure for cancer or anything else Orals Jesus promised. The 777-bed medical center never had more than 148 beds occupied and went bankrupt in spite of additional millions of dollars given by gullible Christians in response to further false promises. Had some Wall Street promoter, through similar false promises, bilked people out of a fraction of the money Oral got he would be in prison. Oral claims he was only obeying Jesus. Yet we know for certain that the 900-foot apparition was not Jesus, for He doesnt lie. Did Oral hallucinate? A seven-hour conversation with a 900-foot hallucination? Hardly! Only two possibilities remain: either Oral lied, or he was lied to by a deceiving spirit. The courts cant touch Oral. Only the church can bring him to account. Yet Oral Roberts has lost none of his appeal on the charismatic circuit and is widely received even by evangelical leaders who ought to rebuke him. He is still hailed on TBN as a great prophet of God and celebrated by multitudes who continue to believe and support him. Tragically, Roberts is only one of many such examples that could be given. If Balaam were alive, what a field day he would have in todays church!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 23:36:42 +0000

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