Today I am a very proud step father. My step son Robert Mccain - TopicsExpress


Today I am a very proud step father. My step son Robert Mccain bought a car that he knew had problems and brought it back to life, all on his own. It just shows that when you put your mind to it, you can do anything with a little conviction. He thanked me In a Facebook post today for showing him where to find the engine. All I done was used my knowledge of where to look then guided him. I may not be the wise old man with every answer to every question, but it gives me great pleasure when someone actually listens to me and I see the results. Even if its picking up the mess created on the floor! Thats my next mission. If I can create a smile a day, then I will smile forever, even when Im gone, as the reason for my existence is complete. Faith is very similar. I am guided by the bible, by my pastor, by my elders to follow the path that makes me wiser and makes me a better person. A person that can teach others what Jesus Christ done for us all. In the past couple of days I have watched an awesome Christian film that very cleverly makes you see reality. It doesnt poke holes in the Big Bang theory or does it say that you should be a Christian, it just says listen. The church can be scary. The whole thought of a God up in the sky can seem ridiculous. Worshipping a guy that hung on a cross, that you never knew. Why? Its a question that I have asked many a time. I spent years going to Sunday school as a child, I sung hymns, prayed and had religious education lessons at school, but it never meant much. I got married to my first wife in a church. We had to go the week before just to see what church was really like. I have sat in many a church at funerals back in England. Even my own fathers funeral. But did any of this make me a good Christian, did I actually understand what the heck it was all about. Did I really care? When I had my first heart problem here in America, I thought it was the flu, my then boss told me I couldnt go home as it was the day before Christmas Eve and they didnt have a replacement person to cover me. My second heart issue was a heart attack caused by the virus that had originally attacked my heart six months prior. Once I had recovered I went to a church to thank god for keeping me here on earth. But it wasnt the right time. It wasnt because of the church, the pastor or the people, because they were and still are awesome. But it wasnt my time as set by The Lord. Not that I knew this then. 7th of December 2012 it came to me. The feeling of death in my chest. The feeling that I hope know one ever feels, but this was the start of something quite amazing. A week and a half later I awake to find my dearest mother, wife and son standing beside me. I ask where the plane is? This was the vessel that was taking me to heaven but allowed me to get off and carry on life. This wasnt the turning point of my faith but a sign that a higher power was and is real. Unfortunately the 7th of December also brought me to code blue in the hospital. I honestly believe that I went through more than just a heart attack, I also aspirated into my lungs which burnt them to the point where it was yet another factor in my fight for life along with my heart stopping which I think affected my short term memory. On the 28th of December 2012 I suddenly got extremely sick again, to the point where I was gasping for air. I remember telling the nurses and doctor that I was about to start asking for the lords help. The doctor said, go ahead, do what ya gotta do. So I began to, loudly, ask The Lord to forgive me for my sins, to forgive those who had sinned against me and to help me get through this and not to let me die. Never in my life have a felt compelled to shout out to The Lord, to shout for forgiveness for every sin that I had ever done. The Lord answered me by giving me strength and the fight to live. Many times my wife and mother were told that I was struggling to live and to be prepared but I was already saved on the 7th so why would The Lord not at least help me to keep going. On the 28th he just reached out and forgave me and forgave those who had sinned against me. My sole was clean and second chapter of life begins. Whether youre a believer or not, I pray that at some point you will accept The Lord into your life because when you end this awesome journey of life on earth, its going to be nothing but joy and harmony in heaven. So the guiding of my step son is the same as listening to what the lord can guide you to. The difference is that I am learning everyday, I am making mistakes everyday to make sure that I get it right in the end. Find a church that is fun, a church that you feel comfortable in, a place where you feel warmth and happiness. I know in England that churchs are a little old fashioned still and actually completely different than here in America. Although there are some awesome churchs popping up which are fun and a little less stuffy. Our church has two services, the first being a traditional service with traditional hymns. The second being contemporary with rocking good music. Although unfortunately I missed the service this morning, I 99% of the time come out feeling like Ive woken up and a weight has been lifted each week. There are some quite amazing people youll find that go to church and when something like my heart attack happens, those friends become your family. Considering I started this post at about 1pm this afternoon, I finally got it written. I wish you all a safe week and make sure you at least make one person smile this week. Say thank you, say please and smile. If you have an augment, back down and say sorry. Dont fight fire with fire. Its all about living a good life. It doesnt have to be full of riches and bling. The material things dont mean a thing. Just enjoy your marriage, parents, brothers and sisters, children, grand children, friends, animals and just the world in general. I was driving to Joshuas school the other day and suddenly thought of all the leafless trees. But within weeks they will be full of greenery. How awesome is that, but yet we all just go by life and dont notice. We have been blessed with an awesome earth, so lets enjoy it and whats on it. Mark. Ps.excuse the spelling and grammar as I havent gone back and checked! Peace and God is good.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:48:34 +0000

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