Today I am going to write something that very few people will - TopicsExpress


Today I am going to write something that very few people will understand, that some may be dismissive of, that others may be intolerant of and that still others may believe I deserve a verbal whipping for. Save it. My words are written with the greatest respect and the greatest affection. For those of you who live without the unequalled delight of having a very best friend, someone entirely trustworthy, entirely feet-on-the-ground upright and may not understand. For those that believe it is impossible at any given moment for one individual in the world to simultaneously hold the satisfying title of luckiest, happiest and most may be dismissive. Today I was reminded of the singular joy of sitting in a sunny window with a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Eskimo woman who has the most exquisite capacity for telling with her eyes. I would love to be able to describe those eyes, They are the color of dark honey, tinged with red of inner bark...and they shine. They change with her mood, or the gravity of what you are saying. She can love, question, doubt, laugh, sympathize and hurt without moving her mouth, without a word. Conversation is punctuated with laughter that is deep and real, and when you ask an opinion, any response is well considered. And for today I am the luckiest and most grateful friend, once again salvaged from the pits of despair by someone who makes me - after more than 50 years - feel eligible for tomorrow, capable of a worthwhile thought and entirely captured by the beauty of this most amazing woman.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:17:25 +0000

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