Today I am thankful for Hanger Hall School for Girls! After much - TopicsExpress


Today I am thankful for Hanger Hall School for Girls! After much reading and research I have made the conclusion that I do not like... Common Core Standards. This academic program has been implemented across most of the United States. Not because the States and the average teacher believes in the program, but because they were held for ransom. With promise that Federal Funding would be taken away if they did not adopt and participate in the Common Core guidelines. The individual States simply could not afford to lose the federal funding. I feel that teaching students in a in a rote and routine approach, (as if all children learn in the same manner), is totally and completely unfair, and ultimately will fail for many students. As did No Child Left Behind a program that was NEVER fully funded. Come America we need to get this RIGHT! How can any program succeed without the proper funding??? America needs to put more money in to education and less into Corporate America and bailing out banks, and the most recent disastrous Obamacare. We need to cut worthless spending and invest in the future leaders of this Country. Very thankful for innovative Educators such as Howard Hanger who started a small school in Asheville, NC many years ago with less then a 1/2 dozen middle school age girls. He had a vision to change the typical teaching/learning approach. He with other educators developed a curriculum that would teach young impressionable girls to become strong independent thinkers and to get excited about learning and long for knowledge. Howard Hanger succeeded! Hanger Hall School for Girls limits class size to a 1 to 12 teacher/student ratio. And offers individual tutoring if needed. So that the needs of each students different learning styles can be afforded. In the past 2 1/2 years I have watched my daughter Lauren Grace come from a private Catholic School with a classic text book and work sheet learning environment that mimicked NC State guidelines into a very inquisitive learner. Lauren was an average student who could care less about school, and now she a well above average. She is motivated and a high achieving student. She loves to read and write, and takes her academics very serious. She now truly enjoys school and is highly involved in the assigned projects and hands on learning in every class, including math. She is in an environment which teaches through all modalities and challenges each student to reach their highest potential. LaureLauren Singleton parents and grandparents are very proud of you for all your hard work and dedication to learning. So very thankful for for this wonderful school, and all the teachers and staff. We are greatly looking forward to Lillie having the Hanger Hall Experience!!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:42:58 +0000

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