Today, I speak of those great patriots present or departed, who - TopicsExpress


Today, I speak of those great patriots present or departed, who gallantly fought for the liberation of this country regardless of their stations in life. Many among them were maimed in the struggle for independence and the expansion of the democratic space. When death reaped one defender after the other, there was none among them who through cowardice refused to fill the gap. I salute them all! However, today more than ever before, our sense of patriotism has been betrayed. What remains of patriotism is empty rhetoric. For all departed patriots, I guess, they must be tossing and turning in graves in impatient anger like a blood-pudding seething over a fire. They must be cursing at the site of political madness in the form of violent debauchery. It pains them to see some callous individuals want to reduce Kenya to a collection of tribes and not a unified nation, as they had envisaged. They must be holding us in contempt as they witness the bile and treachery by some in our midst who are busy enticing our brothers and sisters to dance themselves lame to the drums of ethnic bigotry. They must be appalled at individuals who want to cheer our leaders in the wrong direction, in the hope they will be rewarded with lofty political portfolios. We have seen them talk tough and throw tantrums at their imaginary political foes as though that is a mark of patriotism. Sadly, 50 years after independence, our patriotism is at its lowest ebb, and needs revival. President Uhuru Kenyatta and his team needs to assuage the feelings of the departed patriots. He owes us the duty of safeguarding the well-being of this great nation and should not let the seeds of patriotism that our departed patriots sowed in us die. The Jubilee regime should faithfully water the seeds to fruition, lead the nation faithfully and above all stick to the spirit of our Constitution.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 06:15:13 +0000

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