Today I want to post about a friend of mine. This will take some - TopicsExpress


Today I want to post about a friend of mine. This will take some time as I will be thinking as I type. *sips coffee* Okay, lets do this. Last August I found myself in a new job. It was at the time an opportunity I couldnt pass up. I gave notice to my supervisor at Estes Express and was ready to start working as an IT/Engineer and dive into the world of radio. Like any new job you meet your new co-workers and learn who is who and create working relationships with the crew. Some of those relationships stay mostly professional and others you really get to know personally. I am happy to say that many of the people I worked with were more than just co-workers but also friends. The friend I want to post about today was a young man that, in the short time I knew him, affected the way I think about reaching my life goals. I think its no secret to everyone reading this knows that I like technology. Okay okay, I love Technology! I take for granted (as many people do now) how technology has changed our everyday lives. I love learning and working with tech and making something work, like a mechanic to a car.... like a artisan to his/her painting. I take a lot of joy educating and helping other people with their technology questions. And on the occasion (maybe a little too often) I would talk about the next great thing in the world of computing to someone who.... probably stopped listening 5 minutes ago (I love LAN parties - Wichita Lan Party). The young man I want to share with all of Facebook about has the same kind of passion I do.......for radio. I think about the times I had lunch with him. He would talk excitedly how he was scheduling a sat receiver to successfully record and play a program correctly. And other times he would have concerns about an up coming program that may not air correctly and ask for my help. They way he reacted was the same way Id react if my PC crashed or the Internet dropped! We worked together countless hours as a team to get things to air correctly, which at times it didnt go very well. When something worked as well as we planned hed cheer and we high five! When something didnt he would insist on working on the problem until it did or he would stay in the studio and personally ensure a program would air flawlessly so no one would notice. He would continue to work even after being told to go home because he loved what he did and enjoyed making everything work. Making it all sound good. Seriously, he he asked me many times how I thought something sounds like a girl asking how she looked in a dress. Eventually we had a third person, Phil, join our little team as the production director. He was a guy who has been out of radio for a while but more than made up for that in enthusiasm. Between the three of us things were starting to look promising...not good... but promising. We started to have direction and focus and had stretch goals. Phil knew of our mutual friends desire for radio and that he wanted to be a sports caster and invited him to make commercial spots (anyone remember the Hey Earl 25lb ground hog commercials?) And then one day something terrible happened. We found on February 10th on a Monday morning, our lovable huggable will do anything friend was taken from us. It shocked all of us. I was the last known person to see him alive... standing.... on a typical Sunday night after producing a very high-fiving successful Answering The Call Radio Program & Ministries. He was invited to go out to eat with the show cast and crew but there were things he needed to do to keep the radio station going flawlessly for the next week and stayed to work late as he would often do. This comes a couple days belated but Happy Birthday Daniel. I believe God places people in our lives at just the right time. And you sir have certainly inspired me to continue on my pursuit of happiness as you have in your pursuit of radio. And it saddens me that your pursuit was cut short of what could have been a successful life. But in the short time you lived, and the much shorter time I have known you. You have touched my life in a way I will never forget. And I know everyone who has had the time to know and work with you will say the same. Just ask anyone. Too my friend, Daniel Flores November 16th, 1988 - February 10th, 2014
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:39:08 +0000

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