Today I want to say something to all the people out there who are - TopicsExpress


Today I want to say something to all the people out there who are skeptical about all the experiences I share on here, and all those out there who dont believe in the gifts of the spirit as being for today, & all those who think Im overplaying the importance of evangelism & the miraculous. I want to tell you all, I love you. No matter what you think of me or what I do or whether you believe it or not. A lot of people who havent yet come to accept the reality of the apostolic gifts for today, feel that those who practice the gifts are condemning their faith as worthless, and that we dont even consider people who arent doing it to be believers at all, and I want you all to know that I dont think that way. I dont judge a person off of how many spiritual gifts they operate in - Im blessed to have the gift of faith to operate in them, but I dont look down on anyone who doesnt, although I am sorry to see when people defer the blessings & strength that is acquired from them, & are unnecessarily hesitant about them. Another thing that Ive heard a number of times from various people, is that they have gathered from what I talk about that I think that going to church means youre going to hell. For the record, neither I nor anyone in my family or the ministry Im a part of has ever even remotely considered such a thing. I encourage people to get passionate about falling in love with the Lord Jesus Christ, and oftentimes that topic necessarily includes reminding them that they need to be seeking God for confirmation on what theyre learning at their church, because its very detrimental to simply go off of what other people say, & just openly believing things that are incorrect about Christ will simply not give them the answers that they very much need to gain the victories in their life that they are trying to get. Because people need to remember that every church throughout history has always thought it was the one true church, & every church has assumed it is the one doing things the right way, it is important for people to stop having this mindset of blindly trusting their church, because the whole purpose of a church should be to get people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, but if the person is using their church as a replacement for Jesus in any way, theyre doing the wrong thing. And a true relationship with Jesus, as practiced throughout the ages, involves real heartfelt prayer & intimate communion with his spirit, & a regular seeking of his strength & leading. Now, this I will say, is that I have many friends who are Pentecostal, Charismatic, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Christian, Seventh-Day Adventists, & even Mormons, that I think of as being real & valid believers of Jesus Christ just like I am, & this idea that I think that people in denominations or people who go to church are damned, is just total nonsense. With that said, I consider none of those denominations to be the one true faith, & all of them, & some more than others, are greatly hindered by those things that they are wrong on. I dont go off of a persons denomination or whether they go to church - I go off of whether someone loves with all their heart (not simply just believes casually in their mind) the reality that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, that he was a real man who died for our sins, that he rose from the dead, & that hes coming back, & that they do his works in their life - the deeds of faith in righteousness, in how I look at the faith of others. I dont even believe that people will miss out on eternity with Christ because they believed wrong things - people will miss out on eternity with God because of sin. And a wrong belief doesnt necessarily equate to sin, but it does cause the person to not be as strong as they could, & that raises the likelihood that they will get frustrated & give up on faith in Christ, or at least just go to a word-only figurative belief in Christ, where they say they believe, but yet keep on sinning, which is just really wrong & directly, comprehensively, & explicitly condemned by the scriptures as constituting backsliding, which needs to be repented of, & that is something I will directly say constitutes someone not being in a state to spend eternity with God. The Bible says there is more to faith than just saying some words & mentally knowing whats real. If someone isnt actively seeking in their life to let the Lord work through them, they should remember that Jesus said that whosoever loves me will keep my commandments, & if someone isnt doing that, then theyre backslid. And Jesus said He who endures to the end will be saved (and he didnt mean the end of the sentence). So I respect a love of Gods purity, & a love for Jesus, above & beyond everything else. God forbid, that Jesus did all he did, so we couldnt be literally free from sinfulness in our hearts through his transforming power. With all that said, of course it matters what one believes in terms of making it easier or harder for them to keep Jesus as the center of their life, but I can say that there are many things that many of these people dont agree with me on, and its what we do agree on that matters, and that is Jesus Christ. Love you all, and I pray that you will walk in faith & power, & that God opens your eyes to the riches of his gifts that he has prepared for you since before the worlds were made. I pray you wont pass up the blessing for any reason, & I pray that you can approach it as something good, & not something that is a threat, because thats not what it is. God bless you all, and again, I love you all. I really do. Youre all very special, & God has wonderful plans for your life, & I pray that you let him lead you & guide you into the most effective path to fulfill those plans.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 03:20:42 +0000

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