Today I want to share something valuable that I learned... I - TopicsExpress


Today I want to share something valuable that I learned... I dont like it when people say I deserve & let me explain why. It is a statement of entitlement. It is a statement of saying what I want is more important than the other person.. I deserve is the counter fit to what the truth is... What the truth is we are all equal we dont deserve anything but.... We become worth it, we become a value & in that we recognize the value of others & can walk in love & unity. A destiny doesnt come because you deserve it or you earn it... A destiny comes because of how you value it & value those around you. You dont deserve your destiny BUT you are worth it. Watch what you say because if in deserving you hurt someone else. In deserve you never see or truly acknowledged them & yourself. Instead you destroyed unity because you had to be better then others. To really know the difference speak it I deserve.... OR I am worth.... Really be in tune as you do... You will see, feel & hear the difference. Only 3 things matter in life to love God, yourself & others.... If your statements & comments can cause God, others & yourself to feel value & love you are right in target if not re-look @ what you said. Unity in Love
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:56:13 +0000

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